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I want a guy I can't have

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I've really liked this guy for about a year and a half, but I know he isn't interested in me besides the person to talk to during strings class. We have a lot in common, but I think the fact that he's taller (by 1/2 foot) kinda throws it all off, and the fact he is interested in the more popular (bigger breasted) girls.


I hate my size because most guys aren't into the skinny short opinionated girl. I am very outspoken and will say pretty much anything to anyone, except guys I like. I go to all the dances *interschool held at war memorial/community center* and he's never there. I dance with other guys who are nice, cute, and funny, but they never seem to match him. What can I do to a.) get over him, b.) tell me I like him, or c.) try to hang out with him other than in school

I'm really at a loss here please help.

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Instead of being opinionated, try being funny. Almost everyone likes people who are funny. Opinionated can be irritating because you think they are talking about yourself all the time.


Try wearing sexy clothes that show off your features a little more. Get a miracle bra. Wear eye make up and lipstick. Wear cute little shoes and show them to him.


The problem with trying to tell him now is that he already thinks of you as a friend. If you all of a sudden tell him that you like him, it could be a little uncomfortable if he doesn't care, now he has lost a friend and will probably have to change seats.


I think being friends is more important than starting up an ill-fated relationship with a guy who is probably more interested in his chelo.


Give him the big L: listen.


Look at him when he talks instead of always trying to think of what you are going to say, you can have an actual conversation when you listen to one another!


Smile a lot when he is talking, this will really work! Don't look at other people while he is talking. Be really nice to him. He will notice!

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well lunar, ive been in ur position many a time. just ask urself, do u want a guy who is only interested in looks? and how do u know that he doesnt like u? most guys like shorter girls. and u say ur not urself around guys u like? maybe it would help to be urself then too. its hard, i know, but its the best way. if i were u i would probably try to be his friend, make him get to know u more, and then tell him how u feel. and if he doesnt want u, hes not worth it, and move on. good luck

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although at some point i agree, at large i disagree with a good bit of the advice, i as a guy do not like girls who "front" otherwise, i will like you for who you are or not at all. would you expect this guy to be all over you if you had huge breast and were 5'10" with a tiny waist? if so then your looking in the wrong spot, because you already know your answer. if you think thats the only way he will be with you, then your likely right. but just dont want to admit it to your self. look back and read his body language, does he lean towards you? does he speak gently? does he repeat the same phrase often or nod alot? (last two are deadly signs that you bore him or are of little intrest) i find that if you think you are listening, you are only waiting for a break in what the person is saying so you can speak.


best thing you can do is tell him something that is important to you that would be obviously impotant to anyone but not dramatically (dont lie, be honest about something) a week later ask him about a related topic, try to see if he remembers what you said. if he does then he listens to you and you may wish to try going out with him, if not get over it and accept him as a casual friend who isnt very attentive

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