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Lower Back Pain

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Does anyone here know how to get rid of pain in the lower back..towards the small of your back??


Just over the past few days I have been having minor pain in my lower back..I've only taken Advil and used Icy Hot pain reliever for it..


At my job I am sitting down alot but the chair isn't that comfortable its a metal chair though I try to getup every hour Im working and walk around some..would that sitting be the cause of this pain?


I was in a car accident a few years back and had back problems resulting from do you think maybe that its an old problem starting to come back around? This just really bothers me..I mean Im not in like major I can't walk pain but nonetheless its irritating as all get out!


Any help on it I appreciate it..Thanks



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There are a few things that will cause lower back pain. First, being over weight and sitting in a metal chair. Secondly, Sitting for an hour in a metal chair is not good for your back.


I would get up every half hour and take a five minute walk. Go to the bathroom go anywhere. You should talk to your supervisor and ask for a more comfortable chair to sit in. Even my company would get you a better chair and they are super cheap.


Yes your lower back pain is more than likely from that chair at work.


If it is with you for more than five days you should see your doctor.


Hope this helps,


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hah you and me both man. i hurt my back ina car accident too and i can tell you right now SITTING IN A HARD NON- ERGONOMIC CHAIR IS THE CAUSE OF YOUR PAIN. sorry for the caps just putting emphasis on that. if you chair is hard and has no padding to it. go to sharper image or brookstone and buy a swedish foam cushion for your chair. im sitting on one right now and i dont have back pain anymore. i do a lot of computer work. getting a chair that mean to fit the shape of a humans back also helps a lot. youd be surprised that almost no chairs are designed right for your back. hope i helped. good luck!

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Thanks guys I appreciate it..hubman I'm about 180 right now..I went to that from 225 almost a year ago so I don't consider myself overweight anymore but I didn't know that it could cause it..but the chair yea I knew it was bad but just didn't really know how bad


Either way thanks I appreciate..



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As simple as this may sound, try drinking alot of water. It helps keep everything lubricated and cleansed inside of you almost like the padding in a cushion. I know if i start having pains and increase my water intake i can tell a big difference. Just a suggestion..

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The best way......

and it will take about one year, but its worth it....


My grandpa had lower back pains, so he did a lot of streaching, in the morning and at night for one whole year...


he just bend over and tried to tuch his toes, stay in that position for about 20 seconds, it takes about 3 minutes out of your life everyday


You can do other streaches too.

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I have the same problem, but mine waz cause from ballet and lifting (cheerleading). Your problem maybe caused by the chair, or the way you sit (posture), or what muscles you uz. I over uzed my abs which caused flat back. You could be over uzing muscles or not using certain muscles enough. Try to go 2 specialist...orthopidicts (bones) iz a good place to start.

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