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I'm starting to give in to the temptation of calling please help.


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Monday we officially began NC well I guess you can say it really began Thursday. You can wee full story in my other posts but long story short we broke up in late may still talked and dated Nd were even still intimate. Towards the end she became distant and I knew she had been talking to someone else she only told me cuz I asked straight up then Thursday she admitted to going out with him that night and I got mad had my bros girl pick up when she called and it got ugly. By Monday we sort of ended things a little better but through text cuz she wouldn't pick up. I decided to go NC even through her bday yesterday but today the guilt is killing me because I feel I neglected her but she was also sort of a * * * * * to me at times but I still loved her. We went out for six years and I don't know what to do. I don't know how serious she is with this other guy but I sort of hate her cuz she went out with him on a work night and towards the end she wouldn't wanna do that with me cuz she had to work early the next day. That aorta of did it for ms and I don't think I could ever forgive her for that but the guilt is takin over PLEASE HELP!!

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Go a head contact her she already has you by the nuggets apparently and you seam to think you deserve the disrespect this chick has shown you? Who cares if its her birthday im sure the other guy was right there anyways so shes good now do your self a favor and grow a pair.

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Go a head contact her she already has you by the nuggets apparently and you seam to think you deserve the disrespect this chick has shown you? Who cares if its her birthday im sure the other guy was right there anyways so shes good now do your self a favor and grow a pair.


See this is why i dont come here often anymore....what the hell kinda post is that? Are you trying to make him feel worse...."oh some random woman from tha inanetz told me to grow a pair i feel inspired" ...seriously why dont you abstain yourself from posting unless you have something usefull or at least compationate to say.

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See this is why i dont come here often anymore....what the hell kinda post is that? Are you trying to make him feel worse...."oh some random woman from tha inanetz told me to grow a pair i feel inspired" ...seriously why dont you abstain yourself from posting unless you have something usefull or at least compationate to say.


Oh gezzz get over yourself will you? the guy was asking for help I gave it how I GIVE advice not how CuZiNeeDYou dose. Some times its sweet some times its rough thats life it cant always be a coddle fest 24/7 after all.


I meant no harm and I hope that the op realized that hes week right now that was MY WAY of trying to help him be strong. Or maybe this would be more to your approval "oh its going to be ok don't worry be strong" yeah likewise so inspirational.. again I meant no harm op..

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I agree. It's horrible how some posters here seem to kick others when they are down. Remember, people who post topics in this subforum are often emotionally fragile and suffering from heartbreak.


Im def not hurting from any companionship issues thank god again it wasn't meant as a stab at the op! It was my attempt to jar him back to reality so he didn't make a mistake he would regret later thats all. Why some feel the need to turn everything so negative is beyond me not every ones out to get them just because they don't coddle them..

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