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In tough situation need advice!

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My Ex and I have a complicated relationship. We still love eachother very much but we know that it is best for her not to have a bf right now. She wants to become more independent. She calls me approx. every other day to say hi or talk. It is now long distance because she moved back home, the west coast for the summer. I know that she really still loves me because of the way that we talk to eachother. We always talk as if this is only temporary however sometimes her actions do not allign with her words.


We broke up about 3 months ago. For awhile we were talking but it became too hard so i said that we should stop. We did however see eachother everywere because our school is small. It was kinda weird but i decided to ask her out the week before she left. It was one of the best nights we ever had together. The following week I expressed intrerest in seeing her again. It worked out that we hung out and had a great time like 2 more times but only after her friends plans fell through. I helped her move all of her stuff out of her apt. and am letting her store her things at my apt until she gets back. I also brought her to the airport.


From when she left about a week and a half ago she has been calling regularly and she even offered to fly me out over the summer to come and visit. I am now realizing it probibly wont happen though she did throw it into converstation about 3 times. She called me yesterday at about 4:30pm and sounded so happy to hear from me but I was at the doctor and asked if I could call her back, and before I got of the phone she was like I Love you and I said it back ( we still say I love you and I miss you).. I called her back at 6:15 and after she didnt call back by 12:30am so I left her a message saying if she was okay(I knew she was) and that I wanted to talk to her. She finally called me at 2:30 (12;30 her time). The conversation was good but I added in "so am I commin to see you or no."


She gave this excuse that she has to get her life in order ie.get a job etc. before she can worry about it. Then she complained she had a headache about it and said that we would talk about it tomorrow. My question is, Did she just offer because I went through so much hassle to help her out with moving out or did she really want me to come out. (We had been planning forever for me to come out there even after we broke up but I was reluctant at the time.) Does she still love me or am I just a source of quick comfort for her. If so what should I do about this situation? She wont be back for two more months. With her being so far away, how can I tell if she really means what she says I love her so much and I know we are perfect for eachother but is it worth me going through her mixed signals.

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I feel your pain man, all I can say is I don't think I can answer what she feels. I am only guessing.. Easy for me to say the following, but I believe it is what you need to hear...


She is gone for the summer, don't wreck your summer over this. Have fun. Live a little. You two are offically separated so enjoy yourself. Go out on a few dates. I am sure she is doing just that knowing that in the fall she will be back. It is probably healthy for both of you, unless one of the two of you get attached to someone else, then that might be a bit rough.. Regardless... You have a life to live. You cannot live your life for her.


Be strong..

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