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A little quiz thing -- for guys 'n girls! ;D


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Just thought i'd put in my own


Boxers or briefs: Boxers. I saw my friends dad in briefs once.. I am scarred for life.

Curly or straight hair: Curly!!!!! x3333 Curlyhairissocute.

Tall or short: Taller than me (5'7).

Six pack or muscular arms: Six pack

Good or bad guys: A mix between the two

Hat or no hat: Some guys can look really, really hot in caps.

Piercings(ears,eyebrow.. other? ): I dont really like guys who are pierced.. eyebrow is ok though, I suppose.

Tan or no Tan: Tans are nice. ;D

Dimples or not: Never noticed

Stubble or neatly shaven: neatly shaven

Rugged or sporty: sporty (:

Studly or cutie: cutie

Accent or not: dont really notice

Glasses: just.. no.

Smart or dumb: Well.. put it this way, no one wants to marry someone who works at maccas

What sport should he play: Soccer!

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Boxers or briefs: Boxers all the way!

Curly or straight hair: I usually sway towards straight

Tall or short: Taller than me, really tall guys scare me

Six pack or muscular arms: Both are good, it's weird when guys are too muscular though

Good or bad guys: A balance of the two

Hat or no hat: Mmm, i would say, usually no hat

Piercings(ears,eyebrow.. other? ): Piercings can be good, not a preferrance though

Tan or no Tan: I'll choose, erm, a mild tan

Dimples or not: Not (most of the time)

Stubble or neatly shaven: Both are good, some guys look stupid with stubble, some look stupid without any

Rugged or sporty: Rugged, ruggedly sporty would be a plus

Studly or cutie: Cutie

Accent or not: Ooooo, accent!

Glasses: Not

Smart or dumb: Smart, you've gotta be able to hold down a conversation with them

What sport should he play: A sport, probably not football (soccer) coz those guys are all quite weedy, rugby (american football)

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Boxers or briefs: boxers

Curly or straight hair: curly

Tall or short: tall

Six pack or muscular arms: none

Good or bad guys: good and bad

Hat or no hat: no hat

Piercings(ears,eyebrow.. other? ): ears

Tan or no Tan: no tan

Dimples or not: dimples

Stubble or neatly shaven: stubble

Rugged or sporty: rugged

Studly or cutie: none

Accent or not: none

Glasses: no

Smart or dumb: smart

What sport should he play: soccer

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Panties or thongs: panties

Painted nails or not: painted

Regular or sports bra: regular bra

Bra straps showing or not: showing

Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy: cute n' mysterious

Dark or blonde hair: both

Long or short hair: long

Curly or straight hair: straight

Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes eyes

Long or short nails: short

Hat or no hat: hat

Good or bad girl: good girl

Hair up or down: up

Jewelry or none: jewelry

Tall or short: tall

Accent or no accent: either

Pants or dress: pants

Tan or fair: either

Glasses: doesn't matter

Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: pretty indoor chick

Freckles or none: none

Shy or outgoing: outgoing

Funny or always cool: funny and always cool

Talkative or shy: talkative

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******* ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only) *************


Boxers or briefs: boxers

Curly or straight hair: curly

Tall or short: tall!!!!!

Six pack or muscular arms: six pack

Good or bad guys: good

Hat or no hat: no hat

Piercings(ears,eyebrow.. other? ): no

Tan or no Tan: tan

Dimples or not: dimples

Stubble or neatly shaven: neatly shaven

Rugged or sporty: rugged

Studly or cutie

Accent or not: depends on the accent.


Smart or dumb: smart

What sport should he play soccer

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******* ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only) *************


Boxers or briefs: boxers

Curly or straight hair: curly

Tall or short: tall

Six pack or muscular arms: six pack

Good or bad guys: good

Hat or no hat: no hat

Piercings(ears,eyebrow.. other? ): no

Tan or no Tan: tan

Dimples or not: dimples

Stubble or neatly shaven: neatly shaven

Rugged or sporty: sporty

Studly or cutie: cutie

Accent or not: no


Smart or dumb: smart

What sport should he play: swimming

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Panties or thongs: panties

Painted nails or not: not

Regular or sports bra: regular

Bra straps showing or not: not

Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy: cute n mysterious

Dark or blonde hair: dark

Long or short hair: long

Curly or straight hair: straight

Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: dark

Long or short nails: long

Hat or no hat: no hat

Good or bad girl: good girl

Hair up or down: down

Jewelry or none: jewelry

Tall or short: short

Accent or no accent: accent

Pants or dress: dress

Tan or fair: fair

Glasses: no

Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: pretty indoor chick

Freckles or none: doesnt matter

Shy or outgoing: shy

Funny or always cool: funny

Talkative or shy: talkative

Piercings (ears, bellybutton ... other? ): not on the face

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Boxers or briefs: boxers

Curly or straight hair: straight

Tall or short: tall

Six pack or muscular arms: six pack

Good or bad guys: a mix of both

Hat or no hat: either

Piercings(ears,eyebrow.. other? ): lip..and ear

Tan or no Tan: tan

Dimples or not: dimples

Stubble or neatly shaven: neatly shaven

Rugged or sporty: either

Studly or cutie: cutie

Accent or not: not

Glasses: why not.

Smart or dumb: smart

What sport should he play: basketball..football..soccer..laccrosse..does it matter?

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Boxers or briefs: boxers

Curly or straight hair: either

Tall or short: tell

Six pack or muscular arms: muscular arms

Good or bad guys: good

Hat or no hat: no hat

Piercings(ears,eyebrow.. other? ): ear

Tan or no Tan: tan

Dimples or not: dimples

Stubble or neatly shaven: either is cute

Rugged or sporty: sporty

Studly or cutie: cutie

Accent or not: not

Glasses: no

Smart or dumb: smart

What sport should he play

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Panties or thongs: sexy panties

Painted nails or not: painted with class

Regular or sports bra: regular

Bra straps showing or not: not

Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy: cute n mysterious

Dark or blonde hair: blonde by a slim margin

Long or short hair: long

Curly or straight hair: straight

Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: light

Long or short nails: long

Hat or no hat: no hat

Good or bad girl: lady in public wild in bed

Hair up or down: down

Jewelry or none: some jewelry

Tall or short: short

Accent or no accent: no accent

Pants or dress: dress

Tan or fair: fair

Glasses: no

Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: pretty indoor chick

Freckles or none: doesnt matter

Shy or outgoing: shy

Funny or always cool: funny

Talkative or shy: talkative

Piercings (ears, bellybutton ... other? ): none

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Panties or thongs: thongs

Painted nails or not: doesnt matter

Regular or sports bra: regular

Bra straps showing or not: doesnt matter

Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy: wild and sexy

Dark or blonde hair: blonde

Long or short hair: long

Curly or straight hair: straight

Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: light

Long or short nails: short

Hat or no hat: doesnt matter

Good or bad girl: bad

Hair up or down: either

Jewelry or none: jewelry

Tall or short: shorter than me

Accent or no accent: doesnt matter, but a southern accent is a big plus

Pants or dress: dress

Tan or fair: either

Glasses: no

Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: crazy party chick

Freckles or none: doesnt matter

Shy or outgoing: outgoing

Funny or always cool: funny

Talkative or shy: talkative

Piercings (ears, bellybutton ... other? ): doesnt matter, as long a she doesnt look like a pincushion

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