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how to cheer one up?

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when one is unhappy/unsatisfied with themselves e.g. studies,look....

she will have their reasons. when i try to cheer them up, she will give me her reasons which makes me speechless. i think i should not justified her reasons for whatever she is unhappy with. and the reasons she will give seems right. e.g. maybe ppl are saying she is ugly but not to me though. but i don't want to agree with her cause that will make her more sad. how should i cheer one up when she has her own reasons and they seems to be true?


And what should i say/do when a friend cries?

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It is tough to try and cheer someone up especially when they are feeling down and depressed about themselves. If someone has told your friend that she is ugly you have to tell her that she is not, do not agree with your friends reasons. Tell her that those who are saying nasty and horrible things about her dont know what they are talking about and its better for her not to associate with them. Its difficult to comfort your friends when they cry. One night my best friend arrived at my house crying because his girlfriend had cheated on him and then broken up with him. Friends in that position need a hug to know that there are friends that care about them ALOT. You have to be there for them so that they can be there for you.



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