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a girl that doesn't know I love her more than a friend

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Whatup, My name is kenny. There a girl that I love for a long time but we are still on the level just a good friends. High school is almost over for us so I really want to tell her how I feel but I'm afraid if I tell her, things between us won't be the same again if she rejected me. plus it is hard for me to tell her how I feel because I know me and her are couple of shy people. Everytime we talk it is alway about school works or career. That is one of the reason I don't know do she have a boyfriend yet or not. So how do I ask her a personal question without both of us feeling awkward and how should I tell her how I feel because high school are almost over and we might not see each other again. so I need advice quick a.s.a.p. Thankyou!

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