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What signals should I look for from a shy girl?

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there's this girl I like she seems kind of shy. she doesn't talk very much in group conversations, but she does talk a normal amount when I talk to her one on one. I don't know, she just never speaks very loud and she's just always really nice and never jokes around, and the way she behaves and her mannerism just generally seems kind of timid.


we've hung out together a couple times in a group, and I've tried to give her signals that I like her which I think were pretty easy to pick out. But I'm getting no obvious responses that I can notice. I just wanted to ask if you guys know what a shy girl would do if she likes you and what signals I should pay attention to, or is there even a way to tell at all...


thanks a bunch

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Hi Trigve,


It's a little more complex when it comes to a shy girl.


They are generally more cautious when it comes to expressing their emotions. Tough as it may be in reading the signals, but do not despair.


You can try sending her a simple card after penning down your feelings or thoughts. Or if you are out on a date with her, let her know (tactfully though) exactly how you are feeling. Beating around the bush with a shy girl would definitely get you nowhere.


I hope things work out well for you.

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The most common signals I can think of coming from a shy girl would be blushing, smiling, and/or looking away after looking for or at you. But like bleeder said, if you 'beat around the bush', chances are you won't see any signs. What kind of signals do you give her? If they're simple, try something even more obvious, grasp her attention to the point were she knows. (not to put you hope down, but it could also be that she just doesn't have the same feelings you do) Good luck 8)

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I just thought my 2 cent may be of help. I am on the shy side, and if the girl is blushing, thats because she is shy and easily embarrassed.

If she is not looking at you it is also because she is shy and it is hard to look someone in the eye you do not know to well.

I can tell you that if she trys to keep in contact with you alot, then she is probably interested. It does sound good that she seems to talk to you alot, sounds like she may be intersted.

I know I always tried to be around my boyfriend with all kinds of excuses and always within reason was availble to go out with him when we were friends. I would not be too forward for you may scare her away.

Well I just thought my 2 cents may be helpful.

I wish you luck.

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thanks brokenheart. She never approaches me on her own, but when I do approach her she seems glad to talk to me, and she laughs at everything I say. she doesn't make any obvious attemps to stay in contact with me. no physical signals either except if I'm looking at her when she's coming in or leaving a place she waves at me.


what's being too forward? How can I make her know I like her without being too forward and scaring her? (I think I've given her enough signal for her to figure out if she thinks about it logically, but who knows how girl logic works.)


I don't even know why being forward would scare her away. I mean if she likes me wouldn't she want me to do something about it?

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I am not sure how long you have been talking to her, in my opinion the best way to get to know someone is being friends first. As far as being too forward, I know if a guy I was hanging around would have told me right away about his feelings straight out it may have made me uncomfortable. Since you are friends, the longer you can hang around or talk the more comfortable she will feel. Start trying to hang out with her and see if she will keep accepting your invite. Yes girls are difficult to understand sometimes. Eventually you do need to tell her how you feel. But you will have to judge how it is that she is acting around you versus other guys to kind of see if she sees you the same. If its been a while of friendship, communicate with her. Also you can use the next holiday to send her a card as a friend with a little note, let her know you are enjoying the time spent together or conversation you have and thats she is a great friend. I am not an expert on relationships, but this is just my 2 cents.

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