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How do i tell him?

Mr D

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ok so i am a gay guy and i have this friend who i think im falling for. Do i just tell him or do i let it continue to be my secret?


He seems to be an undrestanding person and i have known him for 10 years. He is also best friends with my sister which means if i tell him he may tell her i am gay (i have not came out yet)


i relly want him to know but am scared of what might happen.


Would really appreciate some advice on this - im completely clueless!!


Thanks guys,

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I wouldn't tell him that you are gay and are falling for him all at once. That could be overwhelming for him if he's caught off guard.


I think you should come out to him first and see how he reacts.


Do you have any reason to suspect that he could be gay as well?

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Well he does look at guys when were out in clubs together and stuff.


He has never went out with anyone or even kissed a girl even though there has been lots that like him.


Thanks for the help though. your probably right.




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hiya, well the first thing you need to know for sure is if hes gay too right?....maybe ur sister knows i mean shes his best friend you said?..also if he is, i think its normal to like someone and want something more, if he seems interested you should ask him out i mean in the end whats the worst thing that could happen he says no?...and i know rejection is hard but its all apart of growing up just cause he says no doesn't mean someone else wont want you =) - goodluck

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