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After reading some of the posts further down about what Women find attractive in men-I decided i would like to add my 2 cents to this subject.

Iam in my 20's and i've never had a girlfriend.

Never been kissed,sexed etc etc.

The truth is,that just about 90% of women out there are all about attraction-first and for-most.If you're ugly-you're going to struggle.

Iam a confident person,outspoken but not good looking and what most girls would describe as "short"(5,4).

I am not the sort to shy away from girls,iam always willing to give them a piece of my mind.

For years i had a LOT of respect for girls and women in general,infact i loved there company more than males.

I'll admit that as a child i was adored by my Mum,Aunty and Nan.

Up to 13-14 i was confident,happy and that was mostly down to the way my Female family members had treat me/braught me up.

Once you loose those cute boy-ish looks,girls and women in general tend to see you as less disirable-Iam sorry but this is a fact.

I've gone from 12 to where i am been single and of course from time to time-lonly.

I've lost a heavy amount of respect for women because i've learnt through experience a lot of home truths about Females.

Don't get me wrong,you're personality CAN get you a girlfriend,but thats never worked for me.

I may come accross as cynical to all,but iam always the opposite with girls and people,due to my kind nature.

I've decided now never to date.

Iam beyond repair,i have issues and i'll be honest,i hate girls.

Iam living the rest of my life as a single virgin,it's my choice and i'll never gain the respect i have for women,ever again..

Feel free to contribute to this thread,i'd like it to be a good debate.

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I am afraid I totally disagree with you. I have two male friends who are on the shorter side (5'2 and 5'4) who are very happily married. It is possible that it may be harder for you to find the right person, but finding the right person is very hard for everybody. I think it is preferable to have one good relationship than 20 bad relationships.


The 5'2 met his wife (actually I introduced them) in undergrad and is happily married. Actually his wife is very protective of him and is always keeping an eye on other woman because she is afraid they will take her husband away. That proves that she finds him very attractive.


The 5'4 married late, I think in his late 30s and is very happily married. I think that when you are not perfectly looking, people will feel attracted to you for your personality. When you are very good looking, everybody will be attracted to you because of your looks, but you don't really know what these people want.


What you have to concentrate and work on is having a happy and successful life. You must also be aware that women as they mature learn to appreciate people's values and personality.


Your complaint is not fair either because if you find a wife there are more chances that she will be faithful to you, while if you are a less than attractive woman, your husband will be lusting on younger or prettier women ALL YOUR LIFE!!!!

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There are many points in you're post that i'd like to point out and disagree with,but i do not have the time.


"Your complaint is not fair either"-Sorry but i think it is..



"You must also be aware that women as they mature learn to appreciate people's values and personality. "


Yes and by then it's too late,because men in my circumstance are sick and tired of been taking as a joke.When do girls become mature?30?35?

Sorry but by then,most rejected men are no longer nice souls.

So by then a lot of men are either fed up off women,bitter or feel to rejected to ever love,trust or appreciate the female existence...

Go on,tell me thats crap-but the only reason you women say it's crap is because you know it's true,and one thing MOST girls do not like to do is admit the truth.

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seeing as how you hate females so much... I'm slightly afraid to mention that i am one, but I think I shall. look, we're not all bad. I've met plently of really REALLY great guys out there that are not all that great looking & it hasn't mattered to me. & with those guys come the jealous guys that think that the guy you're with doesn't deserve you 'cause they're not good looking enough. look, we're not all that shallow, & if you'd let down your wall a little & talk to me, then I'm sure that I can change your mind. please, my email's email removed & my yahoo I.M. is caffierose.

ciao ~Caffie

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Wow, you have a really bad attitude toward women. You feels as if it their fault that you have never had a relationship? That just seems pretty selfish to me. It just seems as like you are pissed off at them because none of the ones you have met want to be in an intimate relationship with you. You can choose to remain the way you are, but trust me on this one, you will have a tough time living. Women make up about 1 / 2 of the earth's human population. It isn't like you can really avoid them. Ok, while it is true that women do look for "attractiveness", so what? So do men, don't they? I'll bet if you saw a girl whose personality you really liked, but looked like frankenstein, would you want to have a good relationship with her? The whole point of humans being on earth is so they can reproduce and survive. Anything else we do either aids our survival, or threatens it. There is no real middle ground. So being attractive is a big plus because you can survive better. But as we as a people grow more complex, our minds think about other things than survival. Someday if you are lucky, you will meet someone who you think is absolutely beautiful. And she will feel the same way about you! It is all because of your persepctive. So if you have your current outlook on life, of hating women, you will never find someone who you think is beautiful. Also, about the respect thingy. Respect doesn't change because of what gender someone is. It is gained through their actions. You can tell yourself you don't respect all of them, but in reality, you only hate a couple of ones that you have met. Nothing is beyond repair. No one will care if suddenly you change your attitude. Start acting like who you want to be. But the key thing to remember, is do what makes you feel happy. I am talking about being really happy, not breif superficial pleasures.

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I have to agree with everything that was said by The Truth.


Women don't like to admit that they prefer looks. It's a plain and simple fact though if you don't have the looks then your not even considered or noticed by the opposite sex. We all look at ATTRACTIVE members of the opposite sex and few people ever look at the less-attractive.


It's a fact that if your ugly the only way you get the girl is to have a wallet big enough to sit on.


I've been a victim of this one time too many. The worst is when some woman starts looking at you to see if she still looks young enough to attract young men, then tells you to take a hike when you react to her attention - Yes this has happened to me.


Women also like to look around at other men when they already have a b/f. Now women seem to find me repulsive but on the few occasions I have gained the attention of a woman they have always had a b/f. As soon as they're single they can't even look you in the eye. Heck I was almost thrown out of a nightclub once because the DJ's power-hungry girl decided to help herself to my tongue.


The only time women start to appreciate men with crap looks is when they have reached middle age, had kids, gone through a divorce etc and then get desperate (Note I'm so bad looking that didn't even work in my situation - she still couldn't stand the sight of me). By the time most women are even willing to think about dating a ugly guy all the ugly guys armed with a caring personality have given up, got depressed, got rich & got a gold digger, turned into phsycho's, hate women etc.


The Truth has spoken very wisely in his post and there is nothing he has said that I can pick fault with. Being an ugly guy myself (Told this by girls ever since my earliest days in school and still to this day) and having been ignored or used by women I am sick of the way females play the 'I wouldn't do that because I'm sweet little Miss Innocent' game. It's not fair to play with men like they are a tennis ball that you can throw around as you please. We men have feelings too.


Women do treat men like trash and women seem to take great pleasure in rejecting a guy they don't like. I've been rejected in some cruel ways. You know what? - women love it.


Women also love the 'Lets just be friends' thing. Some women seem to know that it's like ripping a mans heart out and stabbing it right in front of him so they do it all the more.


I used to be one of the most caring, loving people that anyone could meet. Nothing used to get me down. I was a loose cannon that no-one could control and I could make people laugh at anytime.


I'm now very depressed, think about suicide daily and very isolated. I make people miserable when I'm near them, I don't care about people anymore and most of all I hate women. I've been ripped apart one time too many and I hate it all. What do I have to live for? - I'm never going to stand a chance with anyone nice. I'm never going to have kids. I'm never going to watch my own family grow up. I'm never going to feel someone love me the same way that I could once love them. What do I have to live for? - Come on you women you tell me the answer to that?


I am 22 nearly 23 and all I think about is how I've been used and made to look a fool infront of friends and family. I think about suicide on a daily basis and my mother has no idea how to cope with me - someone that used to be a bright bubbly person, who is now like an empty soul. I don't even know how to cope with myself anymore. You know 2 weeks after the last one treated me like trash I gave up my job because I simply didn't care anymore. I didn't want to work for nothing - Afterall as I've said above what have I got in my future to look forward to?. I moved over 500 miles to start a new life only to get treated the same way by yet more women in my new job. Do you women realise how that can make a young man in his early 20's feel?


I now have no regard for women. I have no respect for women. I don't care about women. Sure I feel lonely but I'd rather be lonely by myself than used by another woman.



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Someday if you are lucky, you will meet someone who you think is absolutely beautiful


Someday if you are lucky,

Need I say more?


Eh? I'm Canadian you have summed up in 5 words what it took me to say in several paragraphs.


What else can I say?



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Hey, while what I said is still true, that doesn't change the fact that women deserve respect. You talk about all the women focusing only on looks. Well you probably only try asking out women who you think look hot. You choose them because they look good, and then when you get rejected you blame all of womankind. All you are really after is sex, and they know that. Sure, you can tell yourself you aren't, but how often do you ask a girl out in a bar because you liked their personality. Wouldn't your decisions be a little muddled if you were drinking? The only way you ever get screwed over by women is if you let them control your life. Obviously, you are after mean women, but mean women who look really good. Maybe if you found some people who are actually nice to date, then you wouldn't have this problem. Unfortunately, while what i am about to say isn't completely true all of the time, but it is some of the time. A girl's attractiveness is inversely proprtional to how nice they are. There can be some really nice beautiful people, just as there can be some incredibly mean and ugly people. It just is that a lot of people fall somewhere in the middle of these two. Oh well, you aren't really going to listen to what I have to say, you are too deeply set in your ways to even considering change. I hope you find what you are looking for.

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if a girl doesn't want to be with you because of looks then why would you want to be with them...not every girl is like that really...im not...looks are nice and all, but really when it comes down to the nitty gritty, the personality is what i look for and want most in a man.

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^^Is that supossed to make us happy? lol


What Turboz has said is spot on-keep fighting brother.

The only time girls DO want a kind,sensative,caring man is when there a lot older,and by then it's probably to late.(Are we suppoused to wait years and years,just for some measliy respect??????

Yet we have to respect you straight away,just because of you're looks and gender.

Women are the most fickle and dishonest people you can ever wish to meet.

I could honestly write a post as long as turboz's about how disgusting i think women are-i don't have time.

I write songs,and these days i tend to write a lot of,shall we say-anti-female songs,thats one of the things that keeps me going.

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Yes,but from women more than from Men.

A tall good looking man instanly gets respect from females,a man who is the opposite gets no respect at all,yet a woman regardless of her height or looks gets respect because she's a woman!!

Thats wrong-you should get respect only if you've ernt it.

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The Truth, I read your other post where you mentioned you are 20 and never had a girlfriend. Well if you don't respect women at all - then you can't be expected to have one want to be with you. No woman wants a man who will just treat her like garbage. So perhaps it is your attitude that is causing the problem.


You hate women, so women stay away from you because they sense it, so you hate women even more because of it, etc etc. See the vicious cycle you have created?


Yes SOME women are manipulative, dishonest, and fickle. But not ALL women. Just like SOME men are abusive, or use women, or completely self-absorbed jerks. But not ALL men.


Stereotypes will really mess up your life. Treat people based on their own merits. Respect others and be the better person. If you start out with disrespect, then you can expect to receive it in return.

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Avman,thats fair enough, BUT you will have noticed in the post of mine that you read,that i no longer search for a girlfriend,love or sex.

I am simply pointing out the fickle shallow nature of 90% females out there,hence my name.I tell the truth how the truth is.I am not here to represent some stupid,false american romantic movie,or to tell all ugly men to be patient,theres a beutifull virgin for you out there! -Hell no!

You could say my post is a word of warning to all ugly men out there.

If you would have read my post carefully, you would have seen this sentance" I may come accross as cynical to all,but iam always the opposite with girls and people,due to my kind nature."-Which means that altough i vent my frustration on this board and announce my disgust of women,in real life i am very different.I am kind,funny and talkative,so you're sentance"You hate women and they sense it" I believe is false,they do not sense it,because i hardly ever show it in public.Anyway,kind,funny and sensative maybe what they tell US they want-but it's not what they really want.

They simply refuse to date me or have sex with me,because they see me as un-attractive.

Sorry but thats the thruth.

They sex ever other man out there,but never give me a kiss.....why?-Because iam ugly,and they don't do ugly guys until there wrinkles kick in,maturity kicks in and they get old-and by then it's way to late.

I know you're post means well,but i refuse to be dragged into the pro-hollywood romantic crap way of thinking.


"If you start out with disrespect, then you can expect to receive it in return."


See lol?

They gave me dis-respect,so i gave it back in return

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Ah yes, but your true nature will always come through no matter how much you attempt to fake being polite and caring. Women are more perceptive and can sense more than men can. You stated in one of your other posts outright that you hated women. That is going to be impossible for you to camoflague completely.


And I am not stating Hollywood fantasy here. I'm not telling you just be nice and you'll get a supermodel. So please do not put words in my mouth.


What I am telling you is that your attitude is not helping you. And your perceptions that 90% of females is fickle and shallow is incorrect. The "truth" as you claim it is really only your opinion. And you need to realize it will be treated as such and thereforeeee subject to others opinions as well.


They simply refuse to date me or have sex with me,because they see me as un-attractive.

Sorry but thats the thruth.


Sorry, but this is also your opinion. And all it means is that you haven't met anyone compatible yet. There's nothing wrong with that at all. It does not mean 90% of women are horrible. If you keep telling yourself you are un-attractive like that, then you're right - women will not date you. You need to show some confidence and comfort with yourself. THATS what women find attractive. A man who knows himself and is happy with himself. A man does not have to be a model in order to find a partner.


I'm sorry you have had bad experiences - but we all have my friend. That doesn't give us the right to bash women as a whole. And its certainly not going to make us attractive to women by doing it. You need to let go of the bitterness inside and heal yourself. Forgive the women who have wronged you (even if you feel they don't deserve it). Holding on to that hate and anger will only destroy you from the inside - and thats already happening. You are having to fake being a kind and nice person, while inside you are seething with hate. By forgiving them, you really are doing a favor to yourself. Otherwise the women who have wronged you get to keep on wronging you because you hold on to that pain. Let it go, and their power over you will vanish.



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Like i responded in a similar thread. Although i sympithize with u, i think it works both ways. Theres plenty of not so good looking women who probably feel the same way as u feel.


What type of girl are u going for? Models? good looking? Or people of a similar level of looks as u?


I also feel angry against many girls for personal reasons and also due to the typical girls going out with idiot bad boys then whinging about it when they are hurt. But u can't classify them in the same boat. There will be girls like this, and there will be guys like this.


Try not to let yourself get too down mate. U may have to wait til 30 to find that special girl, but when u do, the wait should of been worth it.

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I tell the truth how the truth is.I am not here to represent some stupid,false american romantic movie,or to tell all ugly men to be patient,theres a beutifull virgin for you out there!


I applaud you on this. I feel the same way. Some of these posts up here follow the Hollywood trend but real life isn't like a movie otherwise there'd be no pain in life.

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Sorry JohnnyG, our friend The Truth has been unable to find his manners and will not be returning to regale us with his tales of women hating any longer.


Whilst I understand your thoughts here avman, surely you are infringing The Truth's right to free speech!


I believe the USA and the UK are both very strong supporters of Anti-Discrimination and human rights to free speech. They are also supporters of young persons below the sexual age of consent not having access to sensitive material such as that contained on this site. I note that you have no way to stop young people below legal age coming here..


Just my thoughts - I am legally entitled to them.



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I'm afraid free speech isn't the issue. This is a private forum, not a government building or a public park. You agree to follow the rules of this forum by creating your account and clicking "Agree" each time you create a topic. And if you refuse to follow the rules of the forum, you will lose your account privileges.


The Truth was not banned for his opinion. He was banned for flaming everyone who didn't agree and screaming obsenities at those he did not like.

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