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Hi, Itensai

I can answer the second part to your question and that is a gift should be (in my opinion) something to show affection for a loved one. This could be for a g/f or b/f or maybe even for someone who you like and you want them to know that you've got the hots for them...


I hoped that helped

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Romanticism - to me, this is when someone expresses awe over their loved one. Often, this comes in the form of 'I remember when you ...'. You tell the loved one that they have made a mark in your life. Something they did, said, are - made an impression. When you tell that person about it - you are being romantic. Also, when you try to give the person you love the same experience about you - that is being romantic. That is why women want flowers. They want the man to make the gesture - to make an impression. 'For no reason, he showed up with flowers and told me how beautiful I was. He looked at me like I was the best thing he'd ever seen'. Like that.


There is one time that we recall as the most poignant moment in our relationship and we remind each other of it. We were looking out on the river late at night and it was as still as a mirror - we had never seen it like that before. The city was perfectly reflected. It was like glass. My mother had died ~ 6 months before that and he turned to me and said 'She is here with us now.' We cried together that night - I knew how much he cared for me and I would have killed for him. I don't think we'll ever forget it - even though we are no longer together it still comes up in conversation. Now that is romantic.


The most romantic gift is one that reminds the recipient of a very intimate moment. Gifts that remind you of a special time, trip, day. Gifts that focus on the best of your times together.

Lesser romantic gifts are ones that can only be given by people you are closely involved with, personal items like lingerie.

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A romantic gift is by definition between the couple. One gift may be different from another depending on the situation, experience, and challenges the couple have endured. It spans beyond flowers and candy, value exceeds material, rather the value is within the thought of the moments captured into the gift. The gift can be a poem, a letter, a favorite CD collection, there is no limitation on the romantic gift, just character and meaning behind the gift will bring its value priceless.

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I'm Roman Catholic so I know a little bit about Romance.


First A little History


Romance comes from the medieval stories told to Princess and wealthy ladies. It combined tales of high adventure, with love, and moral teaching. The values of the day were courage, honor, and fidelity. Stories of heroic knights saving damsels in distress were common. Knights followed the Code of Chivalry while princesses followed the rules of courtly love.





Romance has been cheapened a lot. Smut novels come to mind. But in a true sense romance is a sign of commitment that you are willing to laying down your own life for the person you love. This mixed with a little bit of this, "practical romance, the combination of something that is strange with something that is secure. We need so to view the world as to combine an idea of wonder and an idea of welcome." GK Chesterton

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