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Please someone help me

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Heres my story, I am in love with my closest guy friend and we are compatible in everything that counts. He makes me feel so special and valuable. We can hold up conversations for hours at a time and he is constantly looking out for me. Sometimes i cant tell if hes flirting. Hes like no other. Hes a very chill guy and isn't the type to date around. I care about him alot and he cares about me. But i need to know one thing, Could there be love in our future?

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your young and starting a new chapter in life one of which has to do with boys and dating, when your young and im not specifing 13 i mean 12 or even 20 emotions can disguise themselves as love tricking us to thinking that. im not saying your not in love or that its not possable, but maybe think about the idea that your getting a bit carried away and maybe you should slow down a bit take this summer to clear your head then see how you feel when he comes back, hope i helped feel free to drop me a pm

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I have a feeling there is a possibility of love now. You both care about each other, and love each others company. Maybe there isn't romantic love, but there most definitely is , I don't know what to call it, "love" love? And what you two may have going on is the best kind of love in my opinion. I don't have very many specifics, so i can't tell exactly, but regardless of that, just take it as far you want to go. Have fun!

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There's nothing worse then regret. If you never do anything about your feelings - you'll always be wondering 'what if?'


But then again, I believe in fate and what will be will be. If you are meant to be with him - you will be - no matter what. And, if you are not meant to be with him - then you're meant to be with someone else.



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i am just afraid that if he rejects me, there will be too much akwardness in our friendship that will eventually drive us completely apart. I love him too much for this to happen. And i know he wouldn';t want that either. But thanks for your input , i will consider everything everyone has said.

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