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wat is she doing??

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i got rejected by this girl but she keeps on contacting me. She just tells me she is afraid that i will not contact her anymore. What does it matter if she has rejected me. She keep on asking me questions like whether i will go out with other girls. don noe wat she is trying to do??

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Well first of all, she likes you. That is a key thing to remember. My guess is she is playing mind games with you. Under what circumstances were you rejected? Remember, there hundreds of reasons why a girl might reject you, but only one of them is because she doesn't like you. You probably would stop contacting her, because you think she doesn't liek you at all. Be good friends with her, and hey, sometime in the near future, you may go out on a date!

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She is definitely playing mind games. But whether or not she likes you is another thing.


Possibly she doesnt want to lose your friendship. Or perhaps, she enjoys the attention you give her and doesnt want to lose that. The best thing to do is to confront her, tell her how she is acting (ie: she is confusing you and seems to be playing games) and see how she reacts. You have nothing to lose.

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Sorry to tell you this, but it sounds like she is just stringing you along for the attention. Otherwise, she'd take it to that next step to being with you. Some girls just like knowing they have someone wanting them, even if they don't want them back.

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Hey, you guys are being so negative. Maybe it is against her religion, or maybe her parents told her she couldn't have a boyfriend? Ever think about that? How about you tell us the specifics of what happened, and we can help you out a little more. While what azure and sprkal say could be true, there are an infinite amount of possibilities of what it could be. Maybe she has some unfortunate circumstances, and she has to wait until she can go out with you? Maybe she likes you, but not in a romantic way. It is all your choice about what to do, but hey, you liked her, so wheres the harm in not trying a little more? Ask her about why she rejected you, maybe there you'll find your answer.

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Me not going to think so much. Whether she likes me or not is not a problem anymore. It does matter. Me jus noe that i have done all i could, the final decisions lies with her. Most importantly, is tat she does not avoid me but made me promise her tat i will still keep in contact with her. Me jus treat her well and hope that everything will turn out all right. Don you all think so?

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So sry. Hope you do not mind. What i am trying to say is that whether she likes me or not does not matter anymore. Most importantly is that i still keep in contact with her. Whether i stand a chance in the future, let nature take its own course. It is no use forcing her to like me right? So me will just treat her well and let her know that there is someone who still cares about her. Isn't it better this way?

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Just dont contact her for a while. make it clear that she has to make a choice. Act as if you dont love her anymore and mabye she'll come crawlin back. trust me im in the same situation except im a guy and it's the girl that likes me. I like having her around because she's reassuring and nice.

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