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I have had a pretty up and down couple of months and now i am really struggling to find any hope in my future. This is the closest I have ever been to ending it.

I guess the reason I am posting here is because I don't see the point. What is the point in continuing to live in this life? I've lost all sense of my direction and no matter how hard I try I feel like i'm always losing this battle. I guess I just want a reason why it is worth it when it feels like nothing ever gets better.

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I cannot tell you with assurance that things will get better BUT I have been alive long enough to assure you 100% that things will change. Where you are right now is not where you will be forever. Everything changes, that is the constant in life.

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You're not alone. Believe me, I have felt the same too. But I believe that life is just a big test and I don't want to fail this test. And even though I'm not happy in my life, I know that ending it will not solve anything. It will only bring pain to the people that I love. I also believe that as long as I'm still breathing, there is always hope that tomorrow will be better than today. Instead of focusing on what's wrong in your life, try to focus on what's right.

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FOR NOW, it seems nothing will get better. Same here. Nothing gets better. I thought I'm already in rock bottom, then I actually fall further down. But I guess if we wait and just try to get through it, maybe things will look better, even tho just for a little bit. So my suggestion is let's wait together to see if things will get better

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I have had a pretty up and down couple of months and now i am really struggling to find any hope in my future. This is the closest I have ever been to ending it.

I guess the reason I am posting here is because I don't see the point. What is the point in continuing to live in this life? I've lost all sense of my direction and no matter how hard I try I feel like i'm always losing this battle. I guess I just want a reason why it is worth it when it feels like nothing ever gets better.


I'm searching for the point in everything myself...but I have heard lately there is no point except to live a joyous life. So I've sort of given up the fight...I'm not looking to win or lose the battle anymore. I am doing what I want to do minute by minute. I give myself a new reason when ever I need one.


This is strictly my own personal account..but I am always living up to other people's standards and expectations. I try now to just do what I want when I want to make myself happy and no one else.


there is a point...you just have to create it.

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