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So called straight friend made a weird joke about raping me?

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Ok there's this guy I'm really cool with that I hang out with from time to time. He has no clue that I'm gay, I don't think. I've never disclosed any information about my sexuality to him. From what I know of he is straight. He's always talking about women so I don't think he's gay. So today earlier I was hanging out with him, and sometime we joke and play around with one another. Just harmless name calling back and forth for fun. So today he makes this come back, saying shutup before I rape you or something along those lines! I was kinda taken back by his statement because it was so awkward, I know he was playing around and he wasn't serious but still. Shortly after he saw my response, he said chill out, he was just playing. So I'm wondering now if he is gay or have bisexual feelings? Would a straight guy say that to another guy? Even if he's just playing around? I wouldn't mind hooking up with him though, he's cute lol..

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BAHAHAHHA. Men don't do that. Chicks do, for sure. Out sexuality is more fluid than ya'lls...but straight guys DO NOT do that. Well, that's a lie. I've heard it before..from straight guys. But it tends to me in large groups or with chicks around..but not one on one. That's a little curious.

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BAHAHAHHA. Men don't do that. Chicks do, for sure. Out sexuality is more fluid than ya'lls...but straight guys DO NOT do that. Well, that's a lie. I've heard it before..from straight guys. But it tends to me in large groups or with chicks around..but not one on one. That's a little curious.


Yeah it was weird because we were just bickering back and forth, playing and he made that comment! I was literally thrown back by it. So do you think I should question him about it or leave it alone?

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