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I think we should all write whatd we'd say to our loves

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Kathryn, you have no idea how much i miss you. Ive tried and tried to force myself not to love you, but its to no avail. At this present moment, I dont know what the truth is of what happened between us or how we went from being so close to so separated, or why youve said some of the things that have ripped my heart apart without any care. Im an ignorant fool, and i just cant make my heart feel what my brain knows- you dont love me anymore. Unfortunately, you are the world to me. I think of you so god dam much and how all i want is to see the person that loved me even one more time say "i love you" or "your my special lovvy" or that you think im cute and youll love me forevor. For the rest of my life you are my dream come true and if you ever come accross this, no matter when it is, i still love you and would do anything for you, despite the coldness you treated me with. You are the best thing ive ever known in this world and when my time comes to leave it, I will still be thinking of you. So there it is. I love you kathryn, even though i can never get you back.

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I wouldd like to first ask you how long its been since you two broke up. I would suggest waiting till you and her both cool down a bit. Then give it to her, it will be much kinder and cuter, and nicer... and she will probably be more willing to read it and think of it. It will mean a lot more in the future, rather than immediatley after a breakup.



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We've been broken up since October so thats about 8 months. She would hear me out in the past but doesnt want me to say emotional things to her anymore. Last time i tried was easter, and she said she "couldnt ever see it happening" referring to us getting back together. If i were to send her what i wrote, she would most likely never speak to me again. Im working on being her friend, so i can at least be some kind of part of her life and enjoy her company because i always loved being around her. My only hope is a miracle that one day things turn around, but i cant expect that. I appreciate your help guys.



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Ok well I'll get to my bit in a second, but first why wouldn't she want to get back together? Was it really THAT bad? Was there something that happened? How can she be so sure? or is she one of those types that is very stubborn and as soon as they make up their mind they choose not to go back on it.


Now for what I would say... You know it's funny I never imagined me and you would be apart and yet I had this feeling it was going to happen. It's not that you didn't love me, but your fear of love in general is what would do you in. I will take a shot at thinking like you, but of course you will tell me if I'm right or not. Kristin, you've been burned.... you were being treated badly in your first relationship by being completely ignored for the better part of 4 months and then when you broke up with him you went out with me 3 months later. You said that you were able to get with your new bf so fast because you felt the same like you did when you started going out with me, but I'm sorry I never believed that. It was different and you'd be a fool to not think that. We had something special and we had so much in common and honestly I would say we were right for each other, but you couldn't? Why? What makes you so sure it just wasn't the way things were to be and when will you know? I know you loved me because one can NOT fake that, it's just too obvious to know you did. To be honest, the only thing that makes sense to me is that you've been afraid and are still scared. That you don't know what you're supposed to be looking for and how you question your existence. I know I made a huge mess of things at time and I really did want to make it up to you and never do it again, how many people you know would ever do that? And is that what you want? someone who will take advantage of you and never give you what you need and want from someone? That you'll have to let down your standards simply because you're afraid to be alone? So you chose to leave, I would never hold that against you but I would hold it against you if you did it because you felt you were undeserving of me. What's the point of life if you're forever chasing a dream that's unattainable? Why give up something so great and genuine because of that constant fear you have of missing out? I don't know Kristin, it scares me that I'm supposed to do something or feel something or know but I don't. The only thing that ever made sense was loving you and you loving me. Whatever choice you make in life is your own and you are in control of it just promise me you'll grab hold of what you want and believe in and go for it. Try to promise me you'll go through life and find someone who truly understands you instead of just finding someone to hold on to. Promise me you won't deny yourself the happiness you deserve and please promise me you want those same things for me.

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what i would say:

i loved you with the innocence i still possesed

i loved you with my innocence lost

i loved you through all our lies

and mistake and misjudgements


and i will always love you

because you were the first love

the one no one can ever quite forget


maybe your love was never real

that's okay

mine was

and it always will be


you've pushed me

and bent me and broke me

you've torn me

and changed me


for better or for worse i'll never know

but the results of loving you

will always show





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