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Too shy to talk to him! Advice Please!!

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Ok, this is a little complicated, but I really need some advice.


I've fancied this guy for about a year now. We used to get on quite well, and there was always a bit of flirting between us. However, about a year ago we were talking online and we admitted that we fancied each other. Since then we've barely spoken, just the occasional embarrassed 'hi' in the school corridor. We speak all the time online, and I know that until quite recently he still liked me.


I really really want to ask him out, but I don't have the confidence, and neither does he. I know that if I could just get into a conversation with him, everything would work out alright... The thing is that whenever I go near him, he ignores me, moves away, or starts talking to someone else. That makes it really hard for me, because everyone knows that I fancy him, so it would be embarrassing making a big deal about talking to him, or tapping him on the shoulder or something infront of his mates. There is a prom coming up soon, and I hope that we can maybe get together then, but I'm afraid that it'll end up just like it is at school...


Does anyone have any advice whatsoever? I just need to know what to do... I don't even know if it's possible to have a relationship with him now, after the way we've both been acting. I don't know how to get the ball rolling, I would have the confidence if it weren't for all this ignoring each other that's been hapenning... but now I just don't know what to do. Should I try talk to him at school, or wait until our prom??


Thanks very much for any advice you have, and for taking time to read this!


Kyria xx

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i know exactly how you feel....almost.


i was in a VERY similar situation last year. the only difference is that I'm the guy. I would talk to other people when around her because i was so shy. but i was anything but ignoring her. i would constatly think about what she's thinking about me.


it sounds like this guy is in the same exact position i was in. i woulda done anything for her to ask me out. what i suggest is that you think how you would feel if he asked you out. you'd be super happy, right? well, that's how he feels about you. ask him out before long...you'll be happy, I promise

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Since you still talk all the time online, why not talk about everything there to begin with. just ask him why its so hard for the two of you to talk in person all of a sudden. people are usually alot more open online than in person so he might feel less pressure about opening up.


good luck with everything!

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If you like each other but have not been talking to him much, talk to him about that!


Approach him when he is alone (or as close as you can get to it) with a serious or stern look on your face and tell him you would like to talk to him and if your in private start talking to him, if your not in private go somewhere private. Its kind of a trap, but when you approach him make him think you're not terribly pleased at him so he will be more likely to talk to you. Once your alone tell him that you feel that you've been drifting apart and would like to be better friends again, perhaps more?


Take it from there

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wow, these replies are great! thanks so much, lol. I'm in a situation situation (hinted about it before in my other messages) although didn't want to post..I guess I didn't know how to describe my problem. But this is excellent. I agree with this part:


"Once your alone tell him that you fell that you've been drifting apart and would like to be better friends again, perhaps more?"


The advice I received from friends was to ignore it, not mention it, because it'd make it more awkward but I think getting things out in the open will make it much easier, and if you guys are friends anyways, then it shouldn't be so complicated. My situation is different though in that we don't talk all the time on MSN..although you said you did a year ago right? not so much anymore..you can perhaps msg. him & ask if you guys want to get together sometime, you've missed talking to him and want to catch up with things? this is a friendly thing to do, and if you heard from friends that he still likes you, then it all's good!


take care,



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Hey, thanks for all your help, its made me realise that I might as well just go for it, I've got nothing to lose really. I'm gonna try talk to him about it online, and next time I see him I'm just gonna go talk to him, or try to at least .... All of your advice was really good, and I'm pleased that I'm at least not the only one to have gone through this type of thing...




Kyria xx

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Good luck! Let us know how it goes!


P.S. Change your age in your profile, unless you are really 34... it helps to know correct ages when giving advice.


Doing it in person is more difficult but will make his reaction more solid and usually better.

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lol, sorry about that. That's the second time I've had to change it, it keeps deleting my sex and birthdate.... Crazy. Thanx for the advice, I know it'll be harder, but at least everything will seem a little more sincere.

Kyria xx

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