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Does anyone have suggestions? Please!

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Hello, I will try to be as brief as I possibly can. I am eighteen years old, and currently a top graduating senior at my high school. When I first came to my school a few years ago, I noticed one of my female classmates, and immediately thought that there was something unique about her. I was right. We both achieved a top grade in that class.


We never really spoke to eachother, until this year, in one of my math classes. We later decided to exchange e-mails. We became very good friends. As we started to talk some more, I discovered that this girl and myself had many things in common, for example: movies, foods, likes, dislikes. She always had a smile on here face when she saw me, and often left her friends behind, just to walk with me in the hallways. My feelings for her grew extensively during this past year. I was sure that her feelings grew towards me as well.


There was a dance several weeks ago, and both of us went (not together but separately). She pressured me to dance with her a few times, and I did so. I really thought that there was some sort of "chemistry" going on between us. Secondly, I was the only male student who escorted her to the dance floor on that night.


On the next day, I finally gathered my courage to tell her how I truly felt about her. We met in a secluded location in the school and I told her. Her reaction was not as expected. She hesitated a little with a blank stare, replied that she already had a boyfriend, and suggested that we just remain friends. As the weeks passed, we grew sort of distant from eachother. However, she seems to glance at me quickly if I am too silent, and would sometimes engage in a conversation. However, if I am the first to initiate a conversation, she would try to make it very brief. Most of the time, I feel as if she hardly even notices me anymore. To make matters even worse, her boyfriend recently found out about me and is extremely overprotective.


Why might she be acting this way? Should I have told her my true feelings, and how could our friendship be mended?

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she has great feelings for u but its just taking her time to realize that since she already has a bf she wants to stay comitted and wants to leave her relationship stable and wants everything to work out well...dont worry you are on the top of her list next time she has a guy to look u for...the everything is there leave it in the hands of time....


good luck bud



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