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My friend Tom has decided to go to Fairview Highschool next year. What he doesn't understand is that people there are not as understanding of the fact that he & a lot of his friends (including myself) are bi. Here. at Peak to Peak, people are actually relatively understanding of the fact.... & about 3/4 of the school is bi/gay/lesbian. I dunno how to support him when he just setting himself up to be humiliated & I know he can't take that... how do I help him?

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There isn't much you can do except stand by his side. Since his mind is already made up, I don't think that you should try to convince him otherwise. He obviously has his reasons for switching schools despite the fact that he may be greeted with much hostility, so chances are his reasons are good ones. In this world, there are always going to be people who look down upon being "different" and it's something that those who aren't a bunch of sheep must accept. Although the ordeal may be hard for him to go through, in the end he will be so much stronger. Just be there for him when times get rough, and try not to expect the worse, because there will certainly be people who will accept him.

Take care,


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