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Y do friends do this?


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I have been friends with this girl since the 7th grade we talk about everything! But ever since she got with her current b/f she dont call or want to hang out anymore!! This has really has happened with alot of my friends its like the find a man and dont want to do with you! I understand that if you fall in love you want to be with that person alot of the time! But this doesnt mean they cant call or anything! Y is this?

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Their just concentrating on their new found interest, they figure you as a friend will always be there. And can call you anytime. I have friends in their 30s that still do this, it's alright though, it's not like their going to abandon you.

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I think it's lame. We all do it.

But i never talk to the ones that completely ignore you.

Waste of my time. I had a friend do this but she at least spoke to me.

My other friend completely ignored me. And then when he dumped her she came running back.

No thanks.

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I have been friends with this girl since the 7th grade we talk about everything! But ever since she got with her current b/f she dont call or want to hang out anymore!! This has really has happened with alot of my friends its like the find a man and dont want to do with you! I understand that if you fall in love you want to be with that person alot of the time! But this doesnt mean they cant call or anything! Y is this?


It is perfectly normal, some people get caught up in their new love and get tightly bound very quickly. It's not that they don't like or want to spend time with you anymore, it's that they just want want to spend time with this new person more than anything else in the world. When your friends do this, it's good to be a little selfless and push to keep the relationship alive from your side.


You might not ever receive thanks for this, but it's for their own good. It's dangerous to become too heavily invested in a single person, you have no one to support you if that relationship fails or if you're going through tough times.


It's best that your SO should be one of your best friends, but not your ONLY best friend.

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