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In my life I have went through many storms many cloudy days,

Not searching within myself but looking for other peoples ways.


I have thought about it long and hard on what I should do,

I now need to worry about me and stop thinking of you.


When I shed all those tears are u there to wipe them away,

No I am here alone each and everyday.


I am the only one that can make me happy within,

There is enough stuff inside of me it dont need an extra spin.


So I need to be happy but do it just for me,

So when you say you love me truth is what I see.


Right now im miserable and holding on so tight,

But as you can see when im alone you are out of sight.


I have done so much crying and felt so much pain,

But if I think about it I can overcome this and gain.


Even though its hard for me to look at myself and be glad,

Glad that I have a life even if its sad.


So anyone who is not happy look up above,

Look within yourself then you will truly find and feel love.

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