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My story...What to Do?

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Ok so here is my story:


Me and my girlfriend were together for almost 2 years when we broke up. Ever since the first day we met we were inseperable. It didn't take us long before we were saying "I love you" to eachother constantly. I had been in another long term releationship but my feelings weren't nearly as strong as these. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. this was true love, she was my life and i was hers. After about a year in a half we got engaged. She was so excited and so was I. It seemed like everything felt perfect. As the wedding day got closer and as we had almost everything set she expressed her fear of getting married so soon, as we were only 22. I also was afraid and after a lot of thinking we decided to wait to get married. We didnt set another date but talked about in the next year or 2. Another week passed and one night we had "the talk." She broke down crying and told me that she needs to be single because she has never been independend and what not. This was hard to take and I didn't expect to see this coming. I reluctantly agreed that we shouldn't be and that we should take a break. I still slept over at her place every night until one night she stayed at a friends. I later found out that she winded up getting together with another guy that night. She claims that it was because he listened to her and that no one else would because all of our friends sided with me. Whatever the reason I was devistated. I didnt eat for a week. I thought I would never get over it. Anyways. Eventually I found out from her that the fact I'm not a Christian is really the main reason why we can't be together. She tells me I'm perfect and it was the happiest two years of her life, but if I'm not a Christian she can't be with me. However she still calls me all the time and says shes having a hard time being without me. I still don't understand why we broke up. We had a perfect relationship but now I'm starting to realize things about her. I know that whatever happens will be the best thing. This was definitely the hardest thing I had ever gone through but each day gets easier. I'm not sure if it is a good idea for us to talk. Sometimes it hurts to talk to her. I'm afraid if I don't talk to her it might ruin our chances in the future of having a relationship, even if were just friends. The whole Chrisitan thing is hard for me to understand because I would never not want to marry someone because of that. The fact that she always tells me that she wishes I was Christian bothers me too. It seems like this is the real reason why she broke up with me. Anyways that about it in a nutshell.

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wow, i know how u feel to a point. she may be scared b/c my ex & i were in love jus as u guys were best of friends inseperable fell in love cept we looked at rings & 3days b4 we broke up he told me he wants to marry me etc not a purposal jus a serious talk. & i think it scared him & he was in 2relationships b4 me stretchin for the past 7 yrs of his life so he felt he needed time to hang w/ his boys etc.. ur ex prolly is scared too my ex is 21 ur ex is 22. & the religion thing could either be 1->a scapegoat to cover her fears b/c if it never opposed a problem/issue before why does it now?? or 2-> it really does bother her & scares her for she probably wants to raise a family together & doesnt know how to do that w/ 2 religions 2 sets of beliefs etc. in my opinion i probably wouldnt be able to marry anyone outside my religion either jus bc our beliefs would be completely opposite & its wrong but i guess id be discriminating in that aspect. so i can see where shes comin from in THOSE departments....buttttt as for hookin up with someone thats a bunch of crap!!! i wouldnt tolerate that!!!! BUT she said she wants to be single & maybe single life to HER is sleeping around?? i dunno it sounds very unsure & a very unhealthy habit to me. id think twice about things. sorry if im not much help. but if shes screwing around w/ sumone who just has to listen to her that doesnt say much about her morals. and whatever religion she is im sure its against it, so how serious can she realllly be about her 'beliefs' & 'values'?!?


makes ya think a little doesnt it...???



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Yeah...you both are definitely right...and that's what I've learned...that I have to be myself...right now, as hard as it is...i'm living my life as if we will never be together again.....Just the fact that she still calls me and says she loves me makes my head spin....I'm going to try and be strong and not call her..so far i'm doing good...thanks for the replies..good to know that there are people out there who know how you feel.

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