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hey ... my ex has been callin me requently for the last 2 weeks... she told me she missed me and said we will probly get back together... she also broke up with her boyfriend a 1 week ago... and me and he watched a movie and stuff the other night and had a small kiss nothin big...i am pushinn her to hard to go back with me though and a apoligized the other night..... any adivice i don't want to screw this up..she needs some time i know.. but what can i do in the mean time... just hang out with her and play it cool?...she said the other night she wanted to come up to my place and hang out more and stuff...... ne advice would be greatly apreciated ...thanx

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I am not sure for the reasons behind your original breakup, you need to make sure you figure out that part of it. I would just caution you that you make sure that she is not coming back to you for the sole reason that she is no longer with her other boyfriend. Otherwise you are just a rebound until she figures out what she wants. Getting hurt once is bad enough, you don't need to repeat it.


As for what you should do in the meantime, definitely play it cool. Be confident, don't be needy...

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her relationship with her other bf was not much of a relationship... they rarely talked .. pointless i never understood it... and she said that... then they broke up...


we broke up bc we never really talked about are problems.... then they just ended up makin bigger problems in the end.... but like we really was always close... and still are... but the last 2 weeks shes has been callin almost every day... we kissed like a week ago...just a little one..haha..... we have been spending alot more alone time....about a week ago i just aksed her about us... she said we would probly get back together..shes gettin touchy feely lately too like she did b4 we got together b4...


so i just want to know what to do... i don't want to pushy and keep askin her about us.... i have been just playing it cool.....she is the one that calls me alot.... i have been callin her lateley tho too....so any ideas on what i should do?....i already told her how i feel...she knows i want her back....



thanx ne help or coments are aprecaited

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I would watch out.


She has just broken up with her boyfriend so she is probably lonely so she may be hanging out with you for this reason and not because she really likes you.


If this is the case and she only has lukewarm feelings for you, then she is going to leave you for someone else when she is feeling a bit more secure.


Don't be the second best option. Unless you want to be of course.

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Well now, lets not all just jump to conclusions, I'm sure there are details that Jony's aware of that he's not posting as well...


Jony, you're right in thinking you need to play it cool. Its hard not to seem pushy, especially when you care and want nothing more than to just engulf yourself in it. But, the caution is still there. Giving her the time she needs to sort her feelings out with guarentee that you're not just a rebound and let her figure out that she DOES want you for sure.


So you said you had a communication problem in your relationship-- just make sure that you don't make the same mistake twice. If her XBF and her rarely talked, and broke up because of it-- isn't that not the same reason you two broke up? Just recognize the situation first-- you've already identified the problem, communication.


Make sure that you discuss how you feel, don't be afraid to tell her your feelings, otherwise you're making the same mistake that tore you apart, understand? In not wanting to seem too pushy, just casually ask her how she's feeling... You have to work from the friendship first, not the relationship mentality.


Basically, keeping it cool, giving her time to sort things out to make sure that you don't get hurt again... Feel free to PM me anytime... Hope this helps

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