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Ex invites me out

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After not talking to her for a week since she picked me up from the airport, she instant messages me to ask how I am doing, and eventually asks if i want to go see a movie. I agreed and we went, I did not act desperate or anything everything was just fine. She even bought my ticket. I dont understand her actions....she broke up with me...claiming i was smothering her and she needed space. why does she still call once in a blue moon and want to hang out? On a positive note, tonight was good because i really did not feel like i missed her when i saw her, and also when i dropped her off.

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Maybe she is just considering you a friend. She doesn't feel that you and her should be partners, but could be good friends. If this is the case then evaluate the situation, make sure you don't have feelings for her and she doesn't have feelings for you.

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How could anyone possibly know either way with these things. Just reading what muneca wrote to craig's string, I think it's best to go along with this kind of hanging out for a little while and see where she takes it. She is initiating it after all, which is a good thing.


But keep in mind your own feelings, and if you start to feel this is going to be more about friends than romance, then just ask her what she thinks about things. It's easy enough to do without seeming needy. Only wanting to clear the air.

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