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Am I going Somewhere or Nowhere?

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I would like to start off by saying, great site, its always good to have others help when times are needed. Now on for my story, it all started in the beginning of the school year........I joined the NJROTC to simulate a little bit of military life, I met my platoon commander and didn't really care for any of the officers, they all looked very good but I really didn't bother. Over time my Platoon commander who is now the Executive Officer as become more attractive to me, out of all the girls this one caught my eye, may not seem strange but let me explain. She is a sophmore and African American, now I am asian-white, but I look white. I have never dated black girls and never planned to until I met her, she is just so different from the rest and thats what I like about her. She has an interest in the Navy SEALs like me, she likes excercising like me, she doesn't act like a skater or gangster just a normal girl, has a great body, and I live a block away from here. We are really good friends and we have done lots together in the NJROTC and talk alot to each other. I have recently started jogging with her and walk her home and such and all of her brothers and sisters like and know me, I never make it obvious that I like her but I will give small signs and I can't tell if she likes me or just gives friendly gestures, and I don't really know how to turn a friend into something more.....thats where you guys and gals come in, please help me on any advice you have on trying to turn my relationship into maybe something more...I it is hard competing with others because she acts playful to alot of guys in NJROTC but it seems that she goes to a higher level with me, I mean its hard to believe that she might go out with me, but at the same time it doesn't seem so strange that she would. I mean I'm practically white for god sakes!! My dad doesn't know and I want to keep it like that, because he is not the type of person to go up to and say "hey dad I'm going out with this girl" then "Oh really son, is she blonde or brunette?" then me "Well she is black" then my dad "WHAT!!??". I pretty much summed it up, my dad won't understand what I feel, heck if I took the past version of myself and showed the future to him even he (which is me) would say "Out of all the girls you like her?". When we talk and this happens mostly when we are alone but sometimes around people, we talk about each other and laugh and she and I will make eye contact and smile alot, I mean every like 10 seconds tops. I just started jogging with her and after the run we talk, she asks me about my future and I ask her about hers, we both encourage eachother, laugh, we are alone in the park....(I'm not going to give her name for privacy reasons so it will be JM)I just want to say "JM" she says "yeah?" then me "What would you say if I had feelings for you?" and thats what scares me, I want to be more than friends but what if she doesn't? My question is, how do I turn a friend into a girlfriend in my situation? Sorry for such a long post but I have to make the reader feel the way I do, Thanks All of You!!

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Everyone is so scared of rejection, it's really sad. Just go for it..what you said sounds good, or you can say something like "I really like being with you, we have so much in common..I've never met anyone like you." a compliment always works well I suppose. Then you can see her reaction & take it from there. This is something I'd like to hear as a girl who's 19 and never had a boyfriend..so it's not like I'm riding on experienebut it seems a nice way to go. Hell if I meet a guy I like and we get together I think I'll go something along those lines, just saying 'I like you/have feelings for you', may be too direct for me personally. But actually, you know her better than I do..if you guys jog together & such she probably likes you. It would be cool if you after the jog and talking say something like I have feelings for you..I think that's sweet. Just be natural, don't worry about it too much. And don't worry about what your parents think, it sounds like this girl is worth it.


Good luck..and I'm off to bed, it's 4:00 a.m. here, I hope that post made some sense, I'm too tired to double check, lol.



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