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She has me confused

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OK well its like this, i have known this girls for about 3 months it all starts when she told be she likes me( kinda seems odd because she told me, i didnt tell her) any ways as time when on were started hanging out all the time and u know all the thing friends with privileges would do.. Any ways the big this is that i didnt ask her out...(i kick my self to this day) any ways things between us started to slow down we staoped flirting with each and huging and kissing. I guess once it slowed to a sertan point this old friend of hers started to move in i guess. i asked her about it and she said it was like a chase. But once she started going out with (keep in mind we are still friends) that relation ship was not what she wanted. About a week into it she told be she loved me and that if i had asked her out be for they started goin out she would have said yes, as well as if she had broken up with him she would still say yes. even now about 2 weeks since they started going out me and her hang out all the time just this last weekend we went to the movies and hang out at her house and my house (maybe just as friends but..meh. We flirt a little bit but im the kinda guy thats got limits when she with another guy. i almost wonder if shes teezing me just to keep me around i wanna know what u people think. and what i should do about it.


i hope i posted this on the right area.

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