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I still miss my dog.

scared and alone

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It was years ago, and I only had the dog for a short time, but I loved her. Well, I adopted her from the pound, and she was a good dog for me and my mom, so I thought she was ok, but one day, I was in my room and I heard something and I looked out my room and I saw her on top of my little sister (who was just a little child at the time) and my mom pulled her off of my sister and my sisters eye was bleeding. Well, we rushed my sister to the hospital and mom said we had to get rid of the dog, so she called the pound again. I can only imagine they destroyed her. But I can't help but think that maybe my dog was just having bad memories of being tortured or something and something triggered it. I still feel horrible. I didn't want them to take her and put her to sleep. I mean I DO feel bad that she did that to my little sister, but I also feel bad for the dog. She only really seemed to act hostile towards children, so i'm thinking maybe kids used to torment her? Either way, it still makes me sad I had to get rid of her.

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Didn't you ask for the history of this dog before you got her at the pound? The caretakers should tell you if she is aggressive towards children or not. There has to be a reason why she ended up in the pound.


I am sorry for your dog but if the law says that any animal who have hurt a human has to be put down, then i guess that is what will happen to her unless someone else adopts her in time.

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Didn't you ask for the history of this dog before you got her at the pound? The caretakers should tell you if she is aggressive towards children or not. There has to be a reason why she ended up in the pound.


I am sorry for your dog but if the law says that any animal who have hurt a human has to be put down, then i guess that is what will happen to her unless someone else adopts her in time.


I was 15, I didn't think about that kind of stuff...

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I'm so sorry for you and your dog. You're right, the dog could have been abused and something your sister did accidentally threatened an already frightened animal or... it could just have been a misunderstanding.


People forget that naturally, dogs are part of a pack of other dogs. It is perfectly natural for them to jump on each other & use their teeth and claws when fighting or playing. It's how they communicate & how they establish dominance. Of course, the dog does not understand that we, as humans, are softer and have our own rules about how one should behave.


I sincerely hope the shelter you adopted her from realized this & maybe instead of putting her down, placed her in a foster home to become more socialized.


And as for the other post: no there is not always a "reason" a dog is in the pound. Any animal who's owner dies, moves, or who's owner loses their job can end up in the pound through not fault of thier own. It's not a jail for bad animals- it functions more as a shelter. Unfortunately, this is a message that the ASPCA & Humane Society have to struggle to get out there because I guess some people have trouble making the distinction.

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Thank you for understanding. I really hope you are right and the dog did get another chance. I don't think she was an evil dog, I don't think any of them are. I really think it comes from breeding or personal experience. Just like humans, if you feel threatened or remember something that terrified you, you are eventually going to try and defend yourself. As bad as the attack was, I do feel bad for the dog. I don't know what she was thinking, but I can't help but feel that SOMETHING made her think she had to do that, and it's not her fault.

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Thank you for understanding. I really hope you are right and the dog did get another chance. I don't think she was an evil dog, I don't think any of them are. I really think it comes from breeding or personal experience. Just like humans, if you feel threatened or remember something that terrified you, you are eventually going to try and defend yourself. As bad as the attack was, I do feel bad for the dog. I don't know what she was thinking, but I can't help but feel that SOMETHING made her think she had to do that, and it's not her fault.


You're welcome! And I think you're right- dogs aren't ever evil. They do what they do out of fear, pain or the need to survive. This was all just an unfortunate incident that is probably the fault of a previous neglectful or abusive owner.

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