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Says he "Can't help his feelings"

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My best guy friend fell in love with me (see previous posts). I just talked to him a couple seconds ago and told him how I feel... that I lub him as a friend, nothing more.


Then he said, and I quote, "I can't help the way I feel."


Then he went on to say something about still being friends, that he knows how I feel because one of his friends loves him too and they are still friends...


But I'm not the sort of person who can deal with the tension that this is going to cause. I don't know if I'll ever be able to be comfortable around him again, and that hurts.


Because he's a great friend, if a little odd, ugly, off the wall and non-dateable.


Any thoughts, or do I just need to ride this out?

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it took me a year and 1/2 to stop really liking this chick i worked with. We were so awesome together as friends I wanted more. Once the year and 1/2 passed, I gave it up. Now it feels like she really wants me tho so lol.


Just let him figure it out himself that you won't go out with him.

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Well i know both how you feel and how ur guy friend feels... I am that guy friend right now(not literally that ONE but you get the idea)...


I certainly hope that you can feel comfortable around him again because trust me when i say that it REALLY REALLY REALLY HURTS when you love somebody and then they start to drift away o so slowly after you tell them how you feel. Just dont think about it and dont bring it up and if hes smart he wont bring it up either... that helped me the when a girl that i was friends with told me how she felt and then we went on like normal... but for some reason i dont think girls can do that or else refuse to do that because now im the guy that likes the girl and told her and then i told her to forget that it happened if it was gonna make things weird between us and now it seems as if we are becoming less and less of friends...I HATE IT


P.S. for any guy out there in the previously stated situation, DONT TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL UNLESS YOU KNOW FOR SURE SHE IS FEELING THE SAME WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Its important to be sensitive to his feelings in this situation if you want to ramian friends with him. It really sucks to fall in love with someone really close to you, and then find out that they just want to be friends. But then you also have to make it clear to him that you dont want to go out with him.


There is absolutly no easy way to do what you have to do now. You have to tell him that you just want to be friends. Be honest with him. If you definitely no going to go out with him, do not lead him on. If he means anything to you, you need to tell him.


If he is a good friend, he will understand.

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I say why not give him a chance? This might be the greatest person you might be missing out on. Hell, if some girl who was crazy about me like you say, and even though I am more attrative than her(which is true in some cases.), I would give her a chance. I did it before and it was the best relationship I ever had. She truly cared for me, for me. I didn't have to dress up, or do anything to try and impress her interest. Her interest was already there.


Give it some thought, but you are 15 so all that might not mean much. I know if I was still 15 and my girl wasn't hot, I wouldn't of dated her.



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