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"Should know the truth..." How to get active

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The only problem with knowing the truth is that one is free ONLY in proportion to the truth that one knows. This requires a great deal of inner seeking. I've been "fortunate" enough to hit the wall in a number of areas in life, such that I've learned I can't get my self-respect from others. Admittedly it is a bonus to have my values affirmed by others, but that doesn't determine my value compass. What I have done is examine my experiences against those I have been conditioned with, and rejected those values that were at odds with my experience. I have learned that a great deal of my so-called "conscience" is simply social conditioning. I have also learned that my values can be influenced UNCONSCIOUSLY by whatever group (or society) I am a part of. I then set about determining my OWN values.


How does this relate to activism ?


We have to know what our convictions are, while understanding that there are those who may not share them within the movement. Ad hominum attacks are counterproductive, to say the least. I've found it's better to expose the sins of the sinners, rather than bad-mouthing the sinner without any supporting proof.


Personal Survival Tactics:


I don't buy into the blame game, it only works if I believe I'm guilty and it's done to manipulate me into doing what the blamer wants.


If I have to engage a bureaucracy, etc I ensure that the person's boss (or whoever they are accountable to - all the way up the hierarchy) becomes aware of my side of the issue. I write a letter, along with photocopied (NEVER originals if possible)


I've found that the "structure ppl" we have often been at odds with are a fish out of water when they are obliged to function in another structure. Eg, setting the bureaucrats against the politicians or vice versa.


I educate myself about my adversary and the tactics they use. Often they can be used against them.


In short, the more truth I know about myself, including my self-deceptions and limitations, the better equipped I am to spot deception.


I know I won't win the battle when I accept the adversary's terms. One way I look at it is I can use a boat to ram another (the direct, frontal approach) or I can use it to swamp their craft with my wake (the oblique approach).


If I can't win, I don't play. I also do everything in my power NOT to enable my adversary. I follow orders, but I DON'T VOLUNTEER. They are not going to get the fruits of my best self-generated efforts.


That's all I can think of for now. I'm posting this so it can be appended.

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