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Okay, basically I've been running everyday since Febuary and 've became more endurent and stuff and able to go much further than I ever could when I was younger. Well anyway, lately, my sides been hurting when I run. Before now, this has only happened once before when I first started because I ate a burger so I think thats what happened, but I'm not sure. Yesterday, it hurt. For sure, I know its not my body beging tired because I've been going the same distance for 3 weeks. I just want to know why anybody's side would hurt from running and how to prevent it. (If it helps, its been hot here lately and the heat makes my tummy bubbly..)

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Well.. it could be various things I'm sure. Was the pain like a cramping pain? Did it hurt when you stood up straighter? When you pressed on it?


Also, is it possible you aren't drinking enough water? Back when I was a serious swimming, if I drank under 8 glasses of water a day I would sometimes get extrememly bad cramps. Once to the point where I had to be pulled out of the pool! It could also be that somehow the first time it started hurting, you hurt your muscles (cramping injuries can take a while to heal sometimes). Could you possibly just be feeling the affects from the first time?


Another thing that I think it could possibly be is from the heat. Last year while running when it got hotter I would get more pain associated with breathing.


I would say some things you could do to prevent it are to:

-try drinking more water

-if you have been getting these pains only very recently possibly try taking a few days off

-make sure you stretch really well before and after running


Other then that I don't knwo what else to say. Possibly some proffesional runners could give you better advise? (I only ran about a mile-2 everyday for a year)



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I have been running long distance since I was 14 years old. I"m 42 now and I can tell you that side stiches are there because of gas. The best thing to do is not to eat too much before you run. Allow ample time for food to digest and make sure your system is clear. Eat more vegetables and fiber. Drink lots of water. As you round into better and better shape, the side stiches will go away but a word of caution. Even the most elite runners still get side stiches from time to time.



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i can help you with that, i run on the cross country team.

you are right, eating isnt good before your run. eating and drinking is off limits an hour before you run. and dairy products. dairy products cause major cramps and slow you down. when you're runing set a beat... dont be breathing in and out at random times with heavy or fast paced breathes. keep it at a steady pace. when you go up a hill, pick up your knees, when you go down hill, lean back a little, and lengthen your steps, and speed up. if you dco get a cramp... try running with your hand on your head, or try running sideways. also make sure you stretch A LOT before you head out to run. the more you strecth the less youll get cramps.

i hope this helps. Happy Running.

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