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I just found out today that by this coming Friday, I might or might not have a job...my company is down sizing....I don't know what to do? I just renewed my lease at my apartment complex 2 months ago. I don't want to have any bad credit on my file and finding a job nowadays is not like what it used too......GrrrRRR!! why does my life sucks! at the beginning of the year, my ex g/f and I broke up and now its this....I can't take this anymore...I want to DIE!!!!

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Start looking for a new job then!..what do you wanna do..I mean do u wanna sit behind a desk all day working on TPS Reports and have a boss named Bill come by and ask "hows it going"!!(If anyone has seen Office Space they know what I'm talking about")..As for your lease how is your landlord towards you..do you two get along? are you always ontime with your rent?..if so maybe they would be willing to help you seeing as how they've never had problems with you and know your a good renter who knows..But get out there and look for a job that you'll want to do and as for your ex gf who cares! move on see this leaving your job and getting rid of her as good for you and that it will all work out in your favor in the end all do all of it..


But wanting to dies is not gonna help you



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Start getting your resume together and send it out as soon as possible. Get your list of contacts together from work just in case you need them. Poke around and find some recruiters in your field and make their acquaintance.


See you may not be able to do anything about the loss of your job - but you CAN do something about what happens to you after. Worrying and losing sleep over it will not change a thing. But being prepared by having a job hunting plan will soften the blow a bit.


When I lost my job 2 years ago I was devastated. I really loved it there and was depressed for the first couple of weeks. Now though, my friends who are still there tell me they wish THEY had been laid off because its become an absolutely horrible place to work.


So it turns out there was a silver lining in it after all. You never know - this could be the springboard that leads you to the job of your dreams.



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