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Look at me

Please look real close

Tell me what you see

Do you see a pleasant smile

The twinkle in the eye

A friendly deposition

Just a nice and quiet guy

Who always here to help you

Have you ever wondered why

Well know this...

For maybe this is why...

Lurking deep within me

Right beneath the skin

Is another side of me

That no one ever seen

An evil dark and sinister

Which fights for it's release

A demon long imprisoned

Who rage's from within

He's always been a part of me

Or I a part of him

Pray you never meet him

He'd never be your friend

Prey is all you'd be to him

There's nothing that he care's about

He hates anything but him

His energies are limitless

Should ever he escape me

If ever he be loosed

There won't be anywhere to hide

And no one will be safe

But I will struggle endlessly

With my demon locked within

Strickened by the knowledge

He helps make me what I am



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