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I really did it this time. Interesting story please read!!!

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In a nut shell. I have this girl in Florida who whenever we get a chance which is never very often try to visit one another. I'm going to see her on Thursday and it will probably be the last time for a very long time since shes going so far away. We've always had a thing for eachother and if it werent for distance would definitely be dating now. Anyway I'm dating around but decided to stop until I went to see this girl. Two weeks ago a met a nice girl that I was kind of interested in and would have got her number no questions asked. But with the visit coming up I decided no I'll probably see her again at the same bar and get it then. My buddy was trying to talk to me into asking her and finally I decided it wont her so I got her number. The only problem was I had a few drinks and I promised to take her out after she gave me her number. The next day I was very mad at myself but being a man of my word I took her out. The date went ok but I didnt put my all into it and I wasn't really interested but I thought she was pretty cool. A few days later I hung out with her at her house and same thing I didnt really try and then we went on another date to the movies and again I was kind of pushing her away. Why I kept going out with her I dont know. So then shes calls me up last Saturday and asks me to go to a wedding with her so she doesnt have to alone. Trying to be nice I said yes. So we went and she looked absolutely beautiful. We talked all through the reception and she doesnt really like to dance but I made her anyway and then the unexpected happened. I cycled through my head and thought about how much time ive been spending with her and realized I like her. I got a little drunk at the reception and didnt act like an impressive date. I felt pretty bad about the whole thing and still do. I've been lying to her and telling her I'm going to Florida to see my friends and nothing about the this girl. The big problem now though is since the reception and me not being a very impressive date she hasnt called since. I called her and she told me she would call back and didnt. I just left a message today and it looks as though I'm being rejected. All I really want to do is explain myself and ask her if maybe we could start over. I know she was interested at first it was obvious but I can tell I definitely lblew it and that was the point. I dont know what to do. I cant believe I like her now how does that work? I almost just want to go to her house and make her listen but I dont want to look like a psycho or be to aggressive with trying to reach her. Maybe I should just cut my losses, but I really dont want to give up on this. I'm actually very surprised she just stopped calling me. What should I do without crossing the line and how much calling is to much. I only called her once when she said she would call me back. Thank you for reading this.

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I think its good you are controlling yourself & not acting crazy. If you want to get yourself heard, try writing an email or a letter, but don't sound angry or mean. Just apologize & explain yourself & ask for another chance. Were you just being yourself at the wedding? I have a feeling if you were & she does take you back, you might go & do something else that will yourself look unimpressive to her again. Maybe you should wait until you go visit this other girl & stuff just to see what happens with her. Don't lie to the new girl though. If she ever did find out the real reason you went to Florida, that could ruin your chances for good, which is also why I think you should wait before trying to get her back. Just give it time & think about it. Think about if its really worth it to you. I think if you were being kind of jerky towards her at the wedding or anything, you should maybe apologize any way.

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yeah Man , you really did do it this time , but guess what..there is still hope. write her an email stating that you are sorry you embarrassed her and acted a jerk . Tell her you would like to explain and apologise in person if she would agree to a meeting . Also tell her, if she doesnt want to meet then she should take your email as a serious apology letter and forgive you . end it with stay well . and i think you will have done the good thing . wait it out till later and got to florida to meet your other friend.

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