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well the other night I did something I thought I'd never do- have sex outside of marriage. I've been with my bf for almost 2 years and I guess the passion just got too much to handle and we got carried away. He entered me, but I felt him before and he wasn't wet. He was only inside for about 2 seconds when we came to our senses and stopped immediately. We didn't use protection. I finished my period about a week and a half ago. we tried to get emergency contraception afterwards but in canada it's over the counter perscription and we couldn't get a doctors appointment on time. We decided to leave it and just hope and pray I didn't get pregnant. Do you think there might be a chance of pregnancy with me being so far from my period and him not actually orgasming (?). It was so qucik, we doubt I got pregnant but it's been on my mind ever since.

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If he did not ejaculate inside you there is virtually no chance you are pregnant. Was he on the verge of ejaculating? If so maybe there was some pre-ejaculate which is very low in sperm count and the odds are greatly in your favour that you would not get pregnant. You should ask him if he fely he ejaculated at all whilst inside you, but if it was only penetration for a matter of seconds this is unlikely. Did he ejaculate after withdrawal? You can never be sure but from what you have said it would seem highly unlikely.

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First of all, big props for waiting as long as you did so that it was with someone you love. Not many people do that nowadays.

There's no way of knowing for sure if your pregnant without a test. It sounds unlikely to me (but I'm not a doctor), but I'm sure it could happen. They make pregnancy tests that can tell you alot sooner than the old ones so you might want to visit your local drug store. While your there, you might want to pick up some condoms just in case you get caught up in the moment again. At least you'll have some protection there.

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I wouldn't just leave it to chance so to speak..I mean you more than likely have a 99% chance that its nothing but I would go to the doctor anyways just to be on the safe side..


Just curious here and no offense but I read your previous posts about you wondering how much longer until he was going to commit to you and you two get married..but did he by any chance pressure you into doing this and maybe you felt that by having that maybe will get him to stay with you and you will be able to get married sooner?


I was just curious please don't take any offense to that but I would be money on it that your not pregnant.



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No worries Adam, actually after I wrote that post I found out that he tried proposing that weekend but the weather screwed up his plans. He told me we're very close and just kinda winked. I didn't feel pressured at all- it was something I actually asked him to do, but it was mutual. He was the one who stopped and I was thankful afterwards. I am thinking of looking into pregnancy tests, but I want one that I can take like, this week. This all happened on Sat. night at like, 2AM so I wonder if anyone has any experience with pregnancy tests, and which ones are the quickest and most accurate?

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I would either look online about that or try WebMD they seem to have info on just about everything..I mean you can practically diagnose yourself and tell your doc what to give you a prescription for..lol


Well thats good he didn't pressure you and that he'll be proposing soon and all.. But try WebMD thats the only one I can think of



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How is it that emergency contraception is only prescription regulated in Canada i thought that was only here in the U.S...cause they came into a debate about over the counter selling of that morning after pill RU 41 I think is what it is..is there like a planned parenthood clinic or some type of govt run clinic that you can go to..

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I dont know, all I know is that we went to the drug store and asked for "Plan B" Emergency Contraceptive and we were told we needed it perscribed. It kinda takes away from the whole, "Emergency" I mean, if I cut my arm off accidently or broke my neck, that's an emergecy- thereforeee I should be able to be diagnosed and fixed right away, not make a doctors appointment to tell me I should go get that arm sewn back on, or get my back operated on... it's the dumbest thing. I just dont know if I can wait that long to find out... it's going to bug me for weeks until I can take the test.

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Hey complain but come and look at the American healthcare system...you gotta consult your HMO before you can have freakin brain surgery cause if they don't feel u should have it on well start planing a funeral..its a shame but that is funny I mean they should rename it the Its an emergency after you go to the doc plan b med..but I really can't tell u much on that though im sure you find something on the net somewhere





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A few things. First of all, I suspect you were in your fertile period. Perhaps bad news I realize, but perhaps you can at least check by going somewhere like this:


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There is a very slight chance there would be life sperm in his pre-ejaculate, but considering the length of time he was in, and the fact you say he was dry before, I would think the risk vanishingly small.


I can understand the issue behind going to your family doctor. Perhaps you would have felt somewhat more at ease going to an emergency department, or perhaps a family planning clinic, although I don't know. It's too late for that now anyway.


The best pregnancy test is the one your doctor will give.


There are other telltale signs, and if you are regularly in touch with how you feel (ie. you know your body and what it means when you feel a certain way) then I think you would more than likely know by now if you were pregnant.


Go to someplace like here:


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and check to see if you match any of the first trimester symptoms.


It's good to see you back again, although I realize the circumstances are not ideal in this case. Don't feel all that badly, this is something that an awful lot of people have done ... yes, perhaps just a tad risky, but sometimes the moment can almost be too special not too. I know that may not sound very good at all to anybody else reading this, and I don't suggest at all you do it like this, but it does happen.


I know a bit about what your convictions and values are from having read your other posts, all I can say is I strongly doubt you are, and I know that the potential for you being upset if you are is quite high. But if you are, I know you'll do the right thing, whatever that might be for you.


Good luck, and I hope you can put your mind at ease about this some time soon.

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