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i don't know what to do... i need help

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hello everyone... um... my boyfriend and i are having this break but i'm not really sure if he will come... i think he wants this break so that he can run off and not be seen again... i wanna see him again... today will be my last day with him... he promise me that 3 weeks from now he'll call again... and he promised me that he'll come back... he told me that ppl leave routines as in like... t wo weeks ago we had a break and after two days he came back and then break then comes back but this time he said he really wants a break.. but what if he doesn't come back... i dun wanna ruin my life just for him... i dun wanna be stupid anymore... please anyone help me...

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Dear Oxygen_lsv

If he needs to take a break you have to let him. If he wants to come back he will, there is absolutely nothing you can do to make him come back if he doesnt want to. I know this sounds harsh but it is a fact.

You appear to be very much in love with this guy and that is both wonderful and painful.

It sounds as though he takes this for granted and knows that he can leave you and you will wait for hi, how great is that for him, he doesnt have to commit to you or take care of your felings. This is not good.

A few words of advice, start loving yourself more than you love him. He is hurting you here and you dont deserve that. You do not need a man to validate yourself. Tell him that if he needs a break that is just fine, let himk go but do not tell him you will wait, tell him you will be just fine. Do not be needy and do not cry. Save that for when you get home. Let him think you are just fine with him taking a break.

If and when he calls you do not be grateful. be nice and cheerful. tell him all the cool stuff you have done on your own or with your friends. If you have not done this stuff, make some up. If he wants to get together gain let it be on your terms. Do not press for commitment as this will reassure him that he can do this to you again and again.

Sadly losing those we love because they care less for us than we do for them is a hrsh fact of life. You will recover from this and you will be a stronger woman for it.

Remember, you are a good person with lots to give. You are not a toy for him to pick up and put down. You deserve better. When you accept that you deserve more than this you will get it. Be strong.

Good luck and dont be afarid to take a hard path.

With love

Nenez xxx

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Dear Oxygen_lsv

I wish i had a parent like me...

If you want to chat feel free to do so. im here pretty often.

Remeember you are very young and life is full of wonderful surprises for you. Put your best hat on and go out and kick up your heels a bit.

Love and a big hug

Nenez xxx

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Hey Oxygen ... I think nenez is right about saying that if he really wants to come back, he will.


Three weeks is a long time to ask someone to 'wait' for them to come back. You do sound very in love, and also very determined to see him again, but let me give you some sound advice: don't be that girl. Sit around and wait for him for 3 weeks just to tell you that he's sure about you? The truth is, he's not, otherwise he wouldn't be requesting a break. Just go out and try to live your own life for the time being, and let him know that you can't promise that you'll be there waiting for him, even as a friend.


Good luck to you.

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check my sig for starters theres a post there that may be of some help to you.


Second F him if he wants a break, you know what that says to me atleast, Im tired of you and i wnant to see whats out there, so why do you just wait her like a good little puppy dog and ill be back if i cant find anything better. F him, you should not be a back plan, thats just not right, go out and live your life, have a good time with your friends since they are still there for you and he is not. i know its sounds harsh but its the truth dont let him toy with you like that you have feeling too and this crap is jsut not fair to you. if he wants to be like this show him that you can get on without him go hangout with another guy(Please note: I didnt say sleep with, unless you want too), youll feel better from the attention and hell get the hint that your not going to put up with this crap anymore.


Cheers, Your life is not different now, do not fear, all is well, you will be ok with or without him.

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dopestar is right, I would take his advice, I am talking from experience, that only gives him time to cheat (or find something better) depending on the nature of your relationship and the way you look at it. You want a full time boyfriend that will be committed to you 100%.

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