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I wish I didn't like her she is the most confusing girl

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Okay, my girlfriend well, I know she likes me.. I love her I don't know if she loves me she tells me she does.. But today I think something changed..I went to her house last night and today shes like "Im angry and dissappointed in myself" but she won't tell me why she is. She says she doesn't know why..


I am so like scared she is going to break up with me. When I wake up in the morning thats the first thing I think "is today going to be the day?"..


I haven't been going out with her for that long but I have liked her for a really long time..


I am so depressed when shes not around or when I am not talking to her..


I wish I didn't like her she is the most confusing and complicated girl I have ever met.. She doesn't tell me her problems she thinks it will mess things up..


I don't know what to do, what to feel or anything..


Maybe im being a bitch..? Maybe I should stop being this scared little kid and grow up. Take the lead because right now she could run my life even though she doesnt she could have me doing whatever she wants.. I don't like that I wanna be a friggin man..


I don't know if this even makes sense to you guys and I don't know what I am even asking for but if you can help me thatd be awesome..

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Hey guber88,


Everyone is complicated in some way. Some people choose to convey their feelings to others and some people decide that their feelings are private and should be kept that way.


Dont go around all the time with this hanging over your head, she may only be going through a bit of a "rough patch".


If you really strongly feel that she is going to break up with you then you need to find a way to get her to open up to you and explain what is going on. This is up to you to do, i cannot tell you how to get her to do this, you have to find a situation in which she is comfortable to open up to you.


At the end of the day: "What happens, happens"



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