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Keys and stuff

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Now I have a couple of questions. My girl left saying: I need some time and I'm not ready to be in a relationship, etc. etc.


When she left, I asked her, you forgot your toothbrush etc. She said that she was going to leave it here etc. She also did not ask me for the keys to her apartment. Now what does this mean! What do I make of this!!!


I would like a girls point of view on this thing if possible but any help is welcome.

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us gurlz can be very moody sometimes and did she-by any chance- feel pressured into somthing that she didnt fully want to do? if thats the case she probably just needed some time to breath.if u luv her tell her that bcuz she culd be feeling very insicure(sp) at da moment. also u shuld definitely(sp) talk to her about it.it will help to set things strait between u 2.


xxx emma xxx

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