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Okay, the exams are coming to an end now and we go back to school for a month and then its summer break, I really wanna talk to this girl before summer but iv not really had a good chance when shes been alone, and when I do get a small chance (just to say "hi" or something) I get nervous and can't. Do you think bumping into her by 'accident' would work? I just need to break the ice. Any tips are welcome.



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Darn, dude, sorry but I doubt that would work, especially if you bearly know her. Unless shes like one of your friends, you really can't just go "Duh.... I bumpped into yous, lets go out sometume" (sounds dumb when you think about it, sorry). However, never fear, you still have a chance. Instead of asking her out when you bump into her, ask her if she wants to hang out with you during the summer because you think shes cool and you want to get to know her better. Don't go and say "I think you are pretty and nice and stuff," instead, just say that you know her in class and you want to get to know her better, don't be too in-yo-face, be approchable. Of course, its kindda a long shot but still better than your plan, a better yet more unlikely plan is to wait next year and hope you get a class with her. IF you do, you can make your move by saying "Hey, I had you in a class last year, your pretty tight wanna be cool or something?" then make your move that way.

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Hey, thanks for the advice, yeah the idea was kinda dumb, lol


Shes not in any of my classes this year, and iv only ever talked to her twice and that was in group situations so i wasn't directly talking to her. I don't wanna wait till next year cause I doubt she will be in any of my classes and by that time she might of met another guy or something. Im not really good at just striking up conversation its better if theres something to talk about, any ideas?



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