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this is what happened i was drunk one night while my boyfriend was at work and i went to one of his friends houses to wait for him to get off work. while i was ther i was playing with his friends older brothers snake and me and this guy were flirting, thats all i remember and he tried to kiss me. the tonight i was talking to his girlfriend big mistake and i told her chad the older guy tried to kis me, she flipped out and hit him and freakd out, and he said we made out i dont remember this, he says it happeneded but i swear i dont remember my boyfriend believes him and wont talk to me and told me to leave, he doesent bleive i dont think this happenend. i dont know what to do me and my bf are pretty muvh over, did i cheat was it a musunderstanding? im confused and need help


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Give him a week or so. See if there are any chances that I forgives you for what might have happened.


Unusual situation you have there. You don't know what you did or not did.


If I was you, I would go to that guy you supposedly made up with and find out what truly happened. It will be easier if you have a real anwer.


Are you sure you remember nothing?


good luck and stay in touch



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Give him a little time and then try to work things out. He's probably still mad now and if you try to approach him, he'll just get angry and it'll end up making things worse. Give him time to calm down.


Use this experience as a reminder of how nasty alcohol can be. Whether you made out or not, it's never fun to wake up the next day not sure what you got up to. And you said you were flirting with this guy - so it's not like you're totally in the clear here. I guess you should be more careful when you're drinking in future (sorry to sound like your Mom, but it's true )

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I try to warn my girlfriend the dangers of drinking...especially since she is under the age. But it is because of alcohol that many relationships end up in disaster. I am sorry for the unfortunate break up with your boyfriend but you have to take part of the blame for getting drunk in the first place. Had you not been drunk, you two would probably still be together.....now another hurt guy is walking the earth and hopefully he is not dumb enough to become a "bad guy". But once again....I am sorry but in the future, watch your alcohol consumption. Please do not take any offense.

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I second Outlaw on responsible drinking.


Aside from that, if you have any hope of keeping the b/f, do not go talk to the "other guy."


Your b/f is offended, you will not make it better by having more contact with the guy. Your b/f has two thoughts: (1) either this guy took liberties with you [in which case you ought not dignify him with more contact] or (2) you, or some drunken part of you, cheated on him [and going to have a deep heart-to-heart with the other guy isn't going to show your b/f that there's nothing between the two of you].

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Yeah man, for those heavy drinkers who don't know....alcohol increases your lack of judgement at a very high rate than if you were sober. The girl with the accused cheating problem AND the guys are good examples. If you are going to drink just do it for the sheer idea of drinking and NOT to become a brainless idiot. Should you not yield your alcohol intake you can lose someone very dear to you....or worse. I have no idea what you was thinking when you went to those guy's house. I can understand why the poor man was pissed. And we wonder why there are so many jerk guys out there. Y'all complain about the absense of good guys out there and when you do have one, you throw him in the trash as if he was expendable. (once again, NOT ALL GIRLS do this....just the majority) Alcohol and a lack of judgement claims another love life!

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i didnt go to a guys house i was hanging out with my bf and his friends drinking along with my girlfriends. my bf left for work and i stayed at our friends house with my girlfriends and the guy that kissed me happened to be there and he happened to be my friends brother. my bf came back over after work, and he was fine with me being there when he wasent.

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  • 1 month later...

I read your post but one line really stood out for me & I must protest this one....




Age: 20

Y'all complain about the absense of good guys out there and when you do have one, you throw him in the trash as if he was expendable. (once again, NOT ALL GIRLS do this....just the majority) Alcohol and a lack of judgement claims another love life!

This is not true at all. Actually in my experience, there are hardly any good guys out there. Or should I say, all the good ones are already taken & in a serious relationship or married off. I've never ever thrown a man in the "trash".

I'm laughing my head off cuz I've just said what you said, only in reverse. Ok, I'll back off, but really, why is it that the "bad" girls & "bad" guys can't hook up & mess themselves over & the "good" girls & "good" guys get together & make themselves happy???

It seems like so many times the bad ones attract the good ones & vice versa.

Is it cuz the bad ones don't want bad things done to them, like they do to other people?

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You are an exception Sexysadie. You are not one of those women who throw guys in the trash. But we all have different experiences. In mine, I seen alot of guys get their heart ripped out, stomped on, pinned to a rope and hit with a stick, shot by a 20mm gun and then thrown into the depths of you know where. And these poor guys wanted nothing more than to love someone. Now they walk the earth, heartless, bitter, and very vile, which once again explains all the bad guys out there. But then you have those who are born disgusting and ruin it for the rest of us. The good guys are out there but guess what....they are just FRIENDS. Yes I understand that maybe some of you do not want a relationship but if you look at the guy next to you that you call a friend...OOOH THERE HE IS!!! A NICE GUY!!! WOW! That wasn't hard now was it??? Bad guys just need to stick to bad girls and vice versa. Leave us people with good intention and common sense alone for God's sake!

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