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he's ignoring me

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HI, my bf has been avoiding me since friday just about. Ive talked to him for about ten minutes a couple times since then, but its a big change from the hours we usually talk each day. He says nothings wrong, but i can tell there is. He didnt say i love u when he hung up the phone. I wrote him an email b/c i kno he checks his email every night. And i usually talk to him late at night when he gets home from work, so he has to call me, since i cant call his house because he has a little brother and lives with his parents, so i cant wake them up. I asked him to please call me so we could talk and I told him I love him no matter what has happened this past week for him. But he has not called me back.


Should i write him another email tonite, because Im dying inside not talkin to him.


Or should I just try to keep callin, because he hasnt been answering the phone.


I need to know one way or another if we are going to be together still. We had talked about getting married one day, and he told me I am his soul mate he has been looking for all of his life. Im scared, I dont know what to do, I love him more than life.


I need suggestions, thankyou so much everyone.



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Hi Colls!

I'm sorry your boyfriend has been ignoring you. Maybe there's something that is disturbing him and has kept him from talking to you. It must not be you, maybe family problems or that kind of stuff that keeps your mind occupied for a long time.


If I were you, I would just go and hold him (hug him) and while doing this, say you love him and ask him what the problem is (you are still hugging him).


Try it, and reply to know if it worked or not.


Good luck



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