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why don't i care anymore? Please HELP!

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Hey there.

To make a long story short I have this friend who has been my best friend since grade school. She started to hang out with people from work 24/7 once we graduated and left me to curb somewhat (I felt replaced). Then she started dating this guy who is best friends with one of her friends at work. I confronted her on my feelings and it some what helped.

It's been over a month now and every now and then I feel like I could care less if we stay friends. I almost feel like it's pointless. All she does is talk about the girls from work and her boyfriend, and i could care less! It took her a month for me to meet this guy, and I'm not real impressed with these friends from work. She wanted me to go up north with her for the 4th of July (and I was up for it) and then she mentioned how she her work friends wanted to go up to. Now I have no desire to go.

We are going to Georgia in like two weeks and then are going to be working at the same job for two weeks when we get back, so I don't feel like I should just cut it off right away.

If anyone knows why I feel this way, what I should do, or has been in the same position please respond!!! thanks

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A similar thing has happened to me. One of my best friends for about 4 years has totally changed. He has not grown up at all, and has different friends. and at first it really bothered me that he would just throw away a really good friendship. But, its been almost a year now, and i just dont give a damn anymore. He has called to hang out and i just have told him i dont want to. and it really doesnt bother me. b/c i know if i put the effort into the friendship, he wont..and ill just get pissed off again. SO i just decided to really not care. I have other friends that actually do want to be friends with me, and are worth it for me to put time and effort into. Hope this helped at least a little.

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Good advice last post you get it no one should put up with being treated like a second class citizen stand up for yourself you will be a better person for it it sucks loosing friends but hey that person may have held you back from meeting really appreciative people of your friendship just a thought good luck you'll get by.

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