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How do i tell my parents i have a Girlfriend

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Just chill! I'm 16 & I've never had any trouble with telling my mom that I have a bf. then again.. I never really tell her. Why stress? Stress is bad (even though that's a really hypocritical comment comin' from me). Just get it over with... or don't tell them at all. ciao


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the first thing to do is chill out and take a deep breathe. you probably have realized that you will have to tell them eventually, but think of this "this too shall pass". before rattling on with advice, i want to know why your so worried about what your parents would say? are they against dating at your age or something?

knowing this would help and im looking forward to helping you out. i hope to hear from you soon.

ttyl. byez.

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Our society is extremely repressive, parents are repressive. I am not a mom yet, but I have the feeling that my parents, particularly my dad, was a bit jealous when I dated guys.


A lot of people feel guilty to be sexual beings, to express their sexuality, and it is normal, because YOUR sexuality bring out feelings of rivalry in others.


You are 13 and you are free to do what you want, as long as you do not hurt others (i.e. sleeping around, crime). It is your right to have a girlfriend, it is your choice to tell your parents or not : you have the right to your private life as of now (13 is the age of sexual maturity).


Normally, you should not be embarrassed to tell your parents. Your parents should entertain an open and supportive relationship with you.


Now, the fact that you are reluctant means that perhaps they are not giving the unconditional support you need. If you are hesitating, IT IS THEIR FAULT, not yours. They don't have the right to punish you or be critical for the fact that you have a girlfriend. If they are, then they are not doing the right thing.


Oftentimes, parents get scared to hell in these instances : 1. You are falling in love with the wrong woman (She sleeps around, exploits men's feeling, hurts men, could hurt you, destroy you emotionally) but instead of teaching you how to recognise such women (liers, socially inferior to you, academically inferior, have kids) they will yell at you; 2. They are scared to death you will get her pregnant (women VERY OFTEN lie to men in order to get pregnant); if your mom has a bad relationship with your dad, she may be jealous and repressive, although she has no right to do so.


Anyway, if you have any questions, just let me know. But don't feel bad about anything, you're not doing anything wrong.

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maybe one time when your going to meet her and your rents ask you where are you going you could say


'' im going to meet my (her name)..''


and then let them figure it out from there, thats what one of my mates did and it got her out of telling her rents lol


try it you never know, it might work for you.

~LJ =;

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Thanks for writing me, now that i know whats wut i think ill be able to help you out...

First of all you should be confident with yourself, having a girlfriend shouldnt be embarrassing or an awkward situation. when ever i have to tell my parents sumthin i dont think they'll like it keep sayin "this to shall pass" again and again in my head, because i know it will.

i think you should just bring it up casually, dont try to make it seem like a big deal, because then thats how they'll consider it to be. the key is to be, like i said before, confident with yourself.

i hope this has helped you out. sorry i responded a little late. i hope to see you around.

ttyal. byez.

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Well, i am a mum with a 14yr old and a 16yr old both boys.

Both have girlfriends, and were very open in telling me.


Just bite the bullet, and tell your parents, they will be supportive, probably just go throught he normal safe sex talks.

They will also be happy that you had enough guts to be open about it


Thats my imput

good luck



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