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Im having a problem trusting my bf at the moment i mean if u have been with someone for so long how do u get them to be honest??? have u ever been so in love with someone that you are blind to the things ging on around you? Well i am like that at the moment my bf is planning on meeting another girl this week that he met on the internet. I questioned him about it and he said that he knows her from before he and i were together but i know for one that that is not true so basically i dont know weather to stay or to leave

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Where exactly are they meeting & what are they going to do?? Obviously if he was planning on sleeping with her or planning on cheating on you, he wouldn't tell you the truth about what he was going to do.. but is what he says is going to happen believeable?? I find it weird that your boyfriend is going to meet this girl. Even if they are just friends & nothing more, why does he need to go meet her? I think you should have a talk with him. Let him know that you don't think it would be good for him to go. Does this other girl know about you? Do you know anything about her, like what she looks like or if shes single, or if she has feelings for your boyfriend? I don't blame you for not trusting your boyfriend in this situation. I would feel horrrible if I found out my boyfriend was going to meet some random girl. It would make me feel left out & it would just make me wonder. Ask your boyfriend if he thinks its unreasonable for you to feel the way you do about this. I think just about any person would be curious & worry if they found out that their boyfriend or girlfriend was going to go meet some person they met online.

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