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wazzup ya'll


thanks to everyone who answered my last post.. the "need help..girl" topic

So iam gonna share wid you my expericence the other week..


Ok so i went to her party right?? when i got there.. it was me and her thats the only ones there..my friends hasnt arrived yet.. well except for her brother thats young but her bro's sleeping so its cool..we talk for awhile.. i aplied a certain "technique thing" the "Touch? or Kino touches on the arm, hands..... and she didnt act negatively..cool 8) in fact she was also was giving me touches on the arm you know? and like sticking her body close to mine when i crack a joke...she lauged at "all my jokes" and even some Jokes i thought was corny.. but she thinks its funny...hehehe.. gud stuff eh?? so you guys think she likes me??


ive been trying to get her for months man..but she doesnt know i want her... what do you suggest i do to get her to like me??

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Hold on Man,

Give her some more time and show her some more action.Then Suddenly Walk away,as if it never bothers you...but guess what,She will be confused,what happened,she will ask you,replyin a positive way,with all flirtious skills and techniques.

and then go back to her with a romantic change inside you.

Be a man.....

and best of luck

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