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the birthday gift

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Hey guys and girls.

I just started dating this guy and his birthday is coming up really soon. I'm not sure what to get him because we won't even be going out for month before his birthday. He enjoys sports if that helps. How much should I spend without looking like our new relationship is real serious? Any ideas and advice would help. Thanks!

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You don't have to get him anything too expensive. If you want to get him something, get him like a jersy of his favorite team or even a ball of that sport with his favorite team on it. Also, a card would do fine but it would be more meaningful if you MADE his card. Its cheeper, and customized and from the heart, you can put whatever you want in it and stuff like that. Theres nnothing wrong with that, thats what I do for girls and they like them and I'm sure your BF would like it too. However, if thats not your style and you can't get him anything, take him out to dinner (Like a burger) or a movie.

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Think of conversations you've had with him. Sounds like you've found out what he's into. Has he given mention of anything in particular he likes. Without spending too much money, is there anything you can get him that he wouldn't necessarly be able to get himself.

Ebay is great for this sort of thing. Eg Signed photo of favourite player.

One of the best presents I got from a girlfriend was a book I wanted, but no bookstores local to me had or could get a copy. This girlfriend went the extra step of getting me one via internet. That mean't a lot to me.

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