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Some questions, need some feedback

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Ok, here we go, me current situation- i am 15(a guy) (freshman, not for long) and i am going to a high school that i didnt want to go to (my parents made me go) so all my old friends are at another school (which sux, but is also good, fresh new start) the problem is all the guys in my grade are amazingly immature so all the girls go for upperclassmen which really brings me down when i wanna hook up with a girl in my grade because they think im immature also. im a pretty friendly person and get along easily with people. i have had a bad history of becoming friends with people i like but then becoming to good of friends to the point where it would b weird for them if we were to go out (just how i am, but im working on it) so there is this girl (as usual, lol) and weve been ok friends not to close so there is still a chance (i think) and weve talked and there are some sparks but she is really unpredictable, one day she will be totally on to me and another its like she doesnt see me (she went out with an upperclassmen but broke up and is now having issues of her own about getting in another relationship- my chance maybe) should i try and be friends a little longer and see what the deal is with her (i dont wanna get to good of friend), or should i just go for it (dont really want to do that yet) or just wait until im a sophmore and all the freshman girls will go for upperclassmen (me, maybe ) we have talked about her getting in a relationship (is that what i shouldnt be doing? is that the type of thing that makes me a to good of a friend to go out with) i hope u understood my post, im not good at explaneing these things with words peaceout........ muchas

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In my opinion you should go for it. If you wait as friends for too long then she will maybe become a good friend. If you go for it, then there is a chance you succeed. If not, well, then you could wait until you are a sophomore. Then, there is chance a freshman girl goes for you. I remember in my old school, girls would go for older guys. Then when they got to 9th grade they seemed to be more cool about the guys in their grade. Now that they are in 11th grade, they all finally seem to be the same age. It must be both because girls mature faster than guys, so they look for older looking guys, and because some guys are just too immature. Well, my point is, just go for it. If it doesn't work, then there will be plenty more chances when you are a sophomore.

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Yeah I'd go for it too. Freak of nature summed it up pretty much, I just wanted to talk about the whole "good friend" idea. I wouldn't worry too much about becoming "too good of a friend" for several reasons. First, dating generally leads to marriage, and isn't your spouse supposed to be your best friend? I think it's actually better to go out with good friends since you know them well. It may seem a little odd at first, but it's actually easier. You're already close so the dating isn't that much of a challenge (and you don't have to worry about impressing her much; if she already said yes then she clearly digs you). I'd go for it, but waiting isn't always THAT bad.


- Chris

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