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God Knows Us


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Just pouring out some thoughts for the day...


For someone who made us.

He knows what we're all made of.

I can only imagine that he does it all because of his incomprehensible love for us.

He infuses us all with certain talents and certain desires in life.

He makes us all unique.

And he gives us the choice to not believe in Him.

Because otherwise we would might as well be indistinguishable robots.

And yet I still have trouble enjoying a life with Him subjectively.

I want to overcome the spiritual struggle within me.

So that I can enjoy life with the all-inclusive Christ.

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Thanks for the comments! I realize that sometimes it just really helps to just jot down some of your thoughts when you're having a some kind of struggle in your life like this. I feel that the Christian life is right for me. As you could guess, I'm just going through a spiritual struggle. A friend of mine told me one time that I could run into many spiritual struggles. I think that I just need to keep reading the Word and eventually I will make it out of the struggle.

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I really enjoy these three verses from the bible (my favorite so far):


John 2:23 - John 2:25

Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed into His name when they saw the signs which he did. But Jesus himself did not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all men, And because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man.

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Thank u so much for posting that topic. I've done some things I'm not so proud of today and it helped me find my way back to the lord.

When ever I find myself in times of doubr I read the word, but I also just look around me. How could all these people, the beautiful planet have been created by chance? Go outside tonight and look up at the stars. they are so beautiful. only God could have created somthing like that and we take it for granted so often. Ask Jesus to wlak beside you through life and just sit there silently and you can feel his presense. Good luck.

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To start, that Google thing about WMD is absolutely hilarious.


To go back to the topic at hand, lately I feel like I am not doing what God wants/needs me to do. See, in the weeks before my breakup, I didn't sit down and pray for this breakup, but I know in my heart that I had to have asked God to take this man out of my life - to let me be rid of him, for so many reasons. The reasons included to rid me of this vampire, and to save me from any more physical or emotional abuse. Well, God did this for me - he gave me the strength to kick him out of my house, and get him out of my life. But, in the weeks after the breakup, I spent many a day crying, and wondering "why did this happen", "can't I just see him", "why God me", "God, can't we just work this out, or let me see, or talk to him". But then I realized, those all defied the exact outcomes I wanted, and God gave me, because he knew how destructive the relationship had become. Just recently am I able to look back, see WHY exactly I wanted it to end, and see why God refuses to let me go back to him, and has put me on the path to no contact. I know we all use "no contact" as a sort of catch-phrase on these boards, but we really have to remember that it's a life policy, and we need to go to our most important support structures to assist us on that path. Mine, on earth is my family, but most importantly is my Faith in God and Jesus. If your's is different, then that's where you need to rely when you can't do it yourself.


Would God punish me if I talked to him - did he punish me any of the times that I have broken no contact? No, God did not. He(the other party), did. Because, he knows that I am destined for something great, without him, and his resentful nature comes out. Did I suffer physical abuse again, yes, but that was obviously at the hands of a human, who is not being guided by God. God doesn't give up on us, but he needs us to really try and take advantage of the chances/breaks that he gives us - his Grace. Here but by the Grace of God the red choking marks around my throat went away, and luckily have stopped. But, they've only stopped because I have stopped....stopped trying to make something work that won't EVER work. And, I am reminded to follow God's path, which keeps us away from evil, and those who do it on earth.


Am I the best Christian in the world - far from it(so say some). But that doesn't matter at all. I know that if I follow God and Christ's lead, I will stay out of trouble, and alive. Whatever your religion/faith is, remember that it is based on a higher power than us. Something that sees us, our lives, and will protect us, as long as we embrace it.

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