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older bf has more experiance.

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hi everyone.


well it isn't a big problem but im still worried about it.. see i just got this boyfriend and he is like a total sweet heart. only thing is he is a bit older then i am and he has more experiance with things, like making out and other stuff like that and i am a bit worried to do anything with him because of it. see im almost 17 and i have only had one bf my whole life and so yeah. i just am basically worried that i wont know how to make out like he does or do other certin things similar to that.

what do you think i should do about it, i mean i know i have to live with it and just learn, but i don't want him to think that i suck at kissing him or anything. We have already discussed that and everything and he says it doesn't bother him at all and he knows i haven't had that much experiance, but at the same time i feel bad about it and like maybe he is just saying that because he doesn't wanna make me uncomfortable or anything. well i know it's not the end of the world i just wanted to know if any of you who are a bit older then me have ever been in that situation and how it all worked out. im just worried. well thanks.



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well that is a problem but if you look at it, this could be a learning experince for you. you could learn from him and if you do break up, hopefully not for a long time, you will be more experince and pass on your knowledge to your next bf. if i were the guy i wouldn't mind because then have the chance to paint on a new canvas so to say. someone who does not have their own ideas about the perfect way of kissing.

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I can understand your concern but you need to relax about the experience issue. My girlfriend is 5 years older than me and I had the same thoughts as you. Turns out, I've taught her a few things and I didn't expect that. We all learn something from a relationship. Be yourself, if he cares for you, he will be more than happy to guide you and you won't even be aware he's doing it.

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