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Ok, here is the situation. There is this smart and very attractive girl with whom I have had the pleasure of a few classes. She knows who I am and I have spoken to her on a few occasions during class but never outside in the halls or anything. I have always wanted to do something with her outside of the scholastic environment. The thing is, I have been in two of her classes, (trig two semesters ago and she is in my current biology class) and she has never attempted to start a conversation with me, but then again she does seem pretty quiet. So my question is this, after being in her class for practically a year would it seem odd if I just up and asked her to a movie.


I pretty much always assume the worst when it comes to something really important to me, so this is what I think will run though her mind if I ask her out, "Hmm, I was nice enough to respond to this guy when he just talked about trivial matters, but what makes him think I would go out with him? or Why did he wait so long, is it just some whim of his to go out with me?" Now I know this girl would never say anything like that because she is really nice, but if I am rejected I will analyze and analyze until I come to the conclusion that she absolutely hates me. I must do something because I sit right behind her and if don't casually ask her to lunch in the near future I foresee a day when she will start twirling her hair around her finger and I will just blurt out something like, "Oh you, who from so near yet so far away, completely conquer me!" (Which might make things a little weird


Anyway, the basic problem again is: I think I have waited too long to express an interest in this girl. So ladies, if you were the girl of my narrative would it be odd if after a long period of only tiny bits of conversation I decided to ask you out?

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I'm a guy, not a girl, granted, but I think that...you should take a good look at yourself. Ask yourself, do I want myself to get in my way? I have the same condition you have - I analyze things, over and over again. I have sometimes come to the conclusion that either there is no solution, or that it would take too long to find out. Sometimes you just need to go with your feelings, while they're there. Take the chance - worst case is she says no - so what?! Best case is she says 'yes' - do you want to miss out on that?? You can never *know* what 'she' will say, no matter what. That's part of the fun of romance - the unexpectedness.


I think if you be honest, tell her that you've noticed her for some time but were hesitant to come up to her because you didn't know what she'd say, but you want to get to know her better because you like her and would she, maybe, sometime wanna go to a movie?


Just go for it - you have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose if you don't.


Good luck, and tell us how it went.

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