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My Diet: I Only Go To The Bathroom Once A Week - It's Great!

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I'm a vegetarian. Everyday for the past four years, all I have been eating for breakfast and lunch is raw fruits and raw vegetables (apples, bananas, pares, oranges, tomatos, watermelons, cantelopes, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, broccolly, collyflower). For dinner I eat black beans, white rice and baked potato; some nights I just eat a whole bowl of hummus (chick peas with sesame paste) or cooked green peas. I drink a lot of water. For snacks I eat unsalted nuts of all kinds and whole wheat cereal. I also eat TOFU.


I don't drink milk, I don't eat eggs, butter, cheese, peanut butter, mayonaisse, mustard, ketchup, chips, bread, sweets or meats.


Ever since I started eating this way, my stomach never hurts and I've only been taking a crap once a week. But I still urinate everyday. It feels great. My crap comes out looking like little marbles and they drop out of my butt hole one at a time. Before I started eating the way I do now, I used to take huge stomach hurting, and toilet clogging craps every single day.


The way I eat now is good for me and it's good for my toilet.


I didn't like taking craps everyday. It annoyed the hell out of me until I found the solution.




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Well, that's interesting...I'm not a professional or anything, but your diet doesn't exactly sound very healthy (Especially the breakfast and lunch part). Just make sure to plan out your meals carefully to ensure that you're getting the proper nutrition that you need.

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What do you mean, "It is annoying to take a crap"?

You big liar!

It isn't annoying.. I do most of my thinking on my 'throne' and that is where I come up with most solutions for my problems.. Old problems just kind of.. "Drop" and I can "Flush" them out from my mind.


And to be a bit more serious, I fully agree with Tinkerbell. It sounds very unhealthy and I would not recommend that diet to anyone. However.. I hear that there are some sort of new pills that take away the urge for sugar. I do not know much about it, but that seems to be about all that it does; a part of something bigger as you won't feel the need for chocolate, coke, candy and etc..


Either way, consult with a doctor before you try anything.

(Dieting shouldn't be necessary though.. Those who should eat pills and lose the extra kilos that their narrow-mindedness weighs are those fools who seem to think that overweight is something gross.. )

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I'm a midwesterner raise on meat and potatoes, now I don't know how unhealthy your diet is, but it doesn't sound all that great...


You are missing out on certain nutrients that everyone needs...


By the way, what is the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan?


I could never give up my meat....I mean human are omnivors (probably not spelled right, oops) we're made to have meat as well as fruits and veggies...Balance is the key to everything in life!!!

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To answer your question dikaia880..

Vegans don't eat anything that comes from animals or is animal. Which means like fish, eggs, milk, yogart, & other things like that.

Vegetarians just don't eat meat, however, they will still eat things that come from animals, like eggs or milk.

Thats my understanding of the two.. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Actually I was reading your diet, and it sounds remarkably similar to this guy I read about in some psychology magazine. Your diet is fine, I have no idea what the taking a crap once a week is about, maybe you aren't eating enough of the food? If you eat reasonably moderate amounts of each food, then you should be fine, except I don't know how good hummus is for you. Everytime I look at that stuff it reminds me of cat barf. It could be the most healthy food on the planet, but I have no first-hand experience on that. Good luck with your diet! I know I couldn't do what you are doing.

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I'm going to have to agree with everyone else and say that this diet is not in the least bit healthy. "Taking a crap," as you so eloquently put it, is your body's way of naturally releasing toxins from your body. Eating all of the raw fruits and veggies should actually be causing you to go more frequently than once a week b/c of their fiber content. And your painful experiences with defecation may be the result of a medical problem, like Irritable Bowel Syndrome. And this Vegan lifestyle is all well and good but when you are only "crapping" once a week and it occurs like you say, that's a sign of a problem, not a miracle. See a doctor.

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  • 1 year later...

Being a vegetarian myself, and having tried the vegan diet, and doing hours upon hours of research not to mention the nutrition courses I have taken and the self study I have done, your diet seems pretty well rounded and healthy. Fruits and veggies are great, get a wide variety, different colours, and eat LOTS of them. Rice, pasta, and beans are super too. One thing you need to do is make sure you get a combination of grains and beans in the same day to get all the amino acids to make a protein. For example, rice and hummus, or pasta and peanut butter. Lots of legumes and beans.


The key to a healthy vegan and raw diet is VARIETY. You can get everything you need to survive by not eating any animal products. But there is no plant food that is complete in its protein content. Make darn sure to eat lots of everything, and you'll be fine.


As for pooping only once a week, get checked out, that doesn't seem right. A vegan diet is LOADED with fibre, you should be pooping at least once every couple of days. I personally am like clockwork, once a day, at the same time. It totally evened out when I went veg.


And hey, for the rest of you, a vegan diet is very healthy and is condusive to a long healthy life free of heart disease and some types of cancers. No plant matter contains cholesterol or saturated fats (saturated fats are human made), which contribute to a bad heart.


You just have to do it right.


ETA: I just looked at when this was first posted, and I looked at Habibti's profile, why are all these threads coming back from the dead? These are OLD threads. Sheesh

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